
Check sites for known Drupalgeddon stuff.

Drupalgeddon Checks

I want a quick way of checking for known attack signatures on multiple sites across a set of servers. Making a Drush command is a quick way to enable this.

A signature-based malware detector in PHP is probably a bad thing :) but this might be a useful tool for this situation, so here it is.

Oh, feel free to fork / add / extend checks in the checks directory - one check per file, match the filename and function name. You'll see.

(This probably grew out of some idle thinking about adding our own custom checks to Archimedes / Aegir setup.)


Signature-based detection is questionably valuable, but if it helps you identify a site that needs cleanup then that's better than not knowing. Yay!

It's certainly not a watertight solution since it depends on the right signatures being in this module ... so, if you are able to contribute additional checks, please do so. Contributions are welcome via Drupal.org issue queue or Github.


Change directory to either your unified or personal Drush folder in the commands subdirectory, like


Download Drupalgeddon.

drush dl drupalgeddon

then clear Drush's cache:

drush cc drush

See https://github.com/drush-ops/drush#commands to learn more about installing commands into Drush.


To test a single site,

drush drupalgeddon-test

But of course Drush is much more powerful with aliases ...

drush @example.org drupalgeddon-test

Then you can test all the sites on your server at once.

$ drush -y @sites drupalgeddon-test
You are about to execute 'drupalgeddon-test' non-interactively (--yes forced) on all of the following targets:
sites.abcd-d6.example.org       >> Site is not Drupal 7.                     [ok]
sites.abcde.example.org         >> Site did not test positive. Good luck!    [ok]
sites.abcdef.example.org        >> Site did not test positive. Good luck!    [ok]
sites.abcdefg.example.org       >> Site did not test positive. Good luck!    [ok]

Site Audit Integration

Drupalgeddon checks have been integrated with the Security Report in Site Audit; just install Site Audit in the same location as Drupalgeddon and clear the drush cache.

drush cc drush

Then, run the Security Report:

drush audit_security

To include passed checks within the security report, use --detail:

drush audit_security --detail