
Julia interface to the Domo API.

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


DOMO.jl is a Julia interface to the Domo API, focused around interacting with Domo's data sources.

The long-term vision is to create a package which mimics the functionality of the (seemingly-abandoned) DomoR package in Julia.

Wait, why Julia? Why not just rewrite the R package?

Great question! There are a few reasons I chose to do this in Julia:

  1. Julia is pleasant to develop in, with high-level and expressive code that I know will perform pretty well out-of-the-box.
  2. To hopefully inspire greater adoption of Julia for more general purpose tasks.
  3. For fun, of course. And nobody else has done it yet! (that I'm aware of 😉)

Getting Started


Install the package from GitHub via Pkg.

julia> ]
pkg> add "https://github.com/mistermichaelll/DOMO.jl"

Using the Package

You will need a client_id and a client_secret from the Domo Developer Portal.

You can get up and running with an access token by using the DOMO_auth() function. This function sets a global variable called domo accessible by the package's internal functions.

using DOMO

DOMO_auth(client_id, client_secret)
#> Authentication complete.

What can I do with the package?

Right now, not a ton... 😅 but you can create and replace datasets straight from Julia, as well as get a DataFrame containing a list of all datasets in your Domo instance.

using CSV
using DataFrames
using DOMO

url = "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/seankross/a412dfbd88b3db70b74b/raw/5f23f993cd87c283ce766e7ac6b329ee7cc2e1d1/mtcars.csv"

mtcars = CSV.read(

DOMO_auth(client_id, client_secret)
#> Authentication complete.

    name = "Julia | mtcars",
    description = "uploading the mtcars dataset from Julia."
#> Dataset uploaded to Domo: ID is some-string-of-numbers.

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