
Roles of Ansible for install and monitor FreeTon node.

System requirements

  • Ubuntu 18 or newest


  • common - preparing system and install dependencies
  • rust​ - install and upgrade rust
  • freeton - build and setup FreeTon node
  • netdata - real-time monitoring
  • prometheus-node-exporter - exporter for hardware and OS metrics exposed, also this gives opportunity get balance and diff in freeton network
  • notifier​ - telegram notifications about node events
  • promtail​ - log collector for Loki


  • Freeton Install

    • Creating user and group
    • Cronjob for validator script
    • All logs in one folder /var/log/...
    • Systemd for control status of node and restart in fail case
    • Logrotate for archive logs
  • Node Monitoring

    • Install netdata for realtime status /netdata
    • install prometheus-node-exporter for collect metrics
      • collecting data about node status(node diff, wallet balance, total validators, if your node became validator, open elections)
  • Notifications about node events like an open election, approve/reject transactions etc...

  • Script automatically sending stake

  • Script control transactions (confirm/reject) with notifications to telegram

  • Install nginx for close entry poins of monitoring systems

  • Install and sync ntp server for avoid time shift

  • System upgrade

Installation 1.1

  • Pull repository
  • Add your host to freeton file
  • Change role for installation (common should be always)
  • Change nginx user/password for basic_auth in vars/variables.yml
  • Add telegram bot token and group/chat id in vars/variables.yml
  • Run ansible: ansible-playbook freeton.yaml -i freeton --ask-sudo-pass
  • Deploy wallet instruction
  • install grafana FreeTon Validator Dashboard

Installation 1.2

Setup validators keys

  • Generate Multisig wallet SafeMultisig.
    • Multisig address should be situated /etc/ton/keys/${VALIDATOR_NAME}.addr
    • Multisig keys should be situated /etc/ton/keys/msig.keys.json
  • Generate Kicker wallet Kicker.
    • Kicker address should be situated /etc/ton/keys/kick_start.addr
    • Kicker keys should be situated /etc/ton/keys/kick_start.key.json
  • Generate Depool wallet Depoolv3.
    • Kicker address should be situated /etc/ton/keys/depool.addr
    • Kicker keys should be situated /etc/ton/keys/depool.key.json

Custom metrics in prometheus-node-exporter

  • ton_node_diff - seconds until synchronization will complete
  • ton_node_balance - current wallet balance
  • ton_total_validators - number of validators
  • ton_election_num - election numbers
  • ton_elections - election status (0 - closed 1 - open)
  • ton_aggregateBlockSignatures - number of signed blocks by node
  • ton_getTransactionsCount - numbers of transaction
  • ton_getAccountsCount - total accounts in network
  • ton_getAccountsTotalBalance - total balance of all accounts
  • ton_aggregateBlocks - blocks by current validators


Before install grafana template (grafana*freeton*node*alerts.json) please replace "_NODE-IP:8080" on IP address and port of your server.

Example Dashboard based on prometheus-node-exporter

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Todo List:

  • Alerts for log
  • Dashboard for logs
  • Distribution by binaries
  • Security improvements
  • Alerts based on prometheus