
Deterministic Color Creation

tpetry opened this issue · 4 comments

It would be nice to have the option to create deterministic colors. Providing a seed for RandomColor (which will not interfere with the normal mt_random) would be really nice.

You can already provide a custom Pseudo Random Generator with the prng option.
I think it's enough.

I did this because we CANNOT not interfere with mt_rand when setting the seed. Now it's up to the user to do it like he wants and the lib can't be charged for any alteration of the generator.

Ah, you're right. But v.1.0.1 which has this feature is not available for composer installations [1], therefore i was unaware of this feature. And can't actually don't use it because of a strict only-tagged-composer-releases policy :(

[1] https://packagist.org/packages/mistic100/randomcolor

Updated, would have been cool if Packgist didn't bitch when composer.json version mismatch with the git tag.

Thanks. Very fast support :)