- 1
- 5
Implicit conversion Exception in PHP8.1
#19 opened by nono303 - 1
New functionality: not retrive similar colors
#18 opened by Axel-AMGHAR - 1
Always return #ffffff
#15 opened by ultrasibz - 1
Determine the base color?
#16 opened by ionurboz - 3
Produce color from hash
#14 opened by bologer - 1
- 1
I don't want randomcolor I want fix color everytime i refresh the page. How can i get this??
#7 opened by zakir1929 - 0
I don't want randomcolor. I want fix color everytime whenver i refresh the page. How can i get this??
#8 opened by zakir1929 - 1
Release please
#4 opened by tomsommer - 0
Provide multiple hues
#3 opened by tomsommer - 4
Deterministic Color Creation
#2 opened by tpetry - 2
Create a new tag branch
#1 opened by jbdelhommeau