Skeleton SwiftUI

How to launch

  • pod install
  • In the top left corner, you can select 2 different scheme:
    • SkeletonSwiftUI (dev): this build will compile with keys located in SkeletonSwiftUI/Config/Dev.xcconfig
    • SkeletonSwiftUI (prod): this build will compile with keys located in SkeletonSwiftUI/Config/Prod.xcconfig
  • Note that if you try to launch these builds on one phone, it will create 2 different apps
  • Test User1:
  • Test User2:

How it works


  • Dev.xcconfig: keys used to create the SkeletonSwiftUI (dev) build
  • Prod.xcconfig: keys used to create the SkeletonSwiftUI (prod) build

Note: Add your environment constants and your API Keys here!

In order to use a key in the Info.plist, you just have to do: <key>ROOT_URL</key><string>$(ROOT_URL)</string>

  • Config.swift: Class in order to get keys in Info.plist and config variables in your code


  • Event.swift: class useful when you want to publish an value only one time with viewModels

Note: Useful when you want to show errors (use example in LoginVM.swift)


  • SwiftEntryKit.swift: In order to show error or success popups
  • String.swift
  • Color.swift

You have a color example in the Assets folder that is taking care of light and dark mode


  • KeychainManager.swift: Manage iOS Keychain Storage Pod link
  • AppDataManager.swift: Store app's main data


  • UIKit: Put your UIKit components here!

View structure: The project is using an MVVM architecture.

TLDR: Models are defining data's shape, Views only deal with displaying content and ViewModels handle all the business logic. If you have done Kotlin or React with Redux, you know what is it

Some links:

@ObservedObject var loginVM: LoginVM: Use ObservedObject when you want to use your viewModels. .onReceive(self.loginVM.$isLoading) { newValue in self._isLoading = newValue }: Every time that the value isLoading is modified by the viewModel, this callback is triggered with the newValue.

Note: Use that pattern to update your views


  • ViewModelInjector.swift: Singleton used to store viewModels that needs to be share across the app. Use this class to provide all the parameters (mostly viewModels) to your views.

Note: You can put your previews with fake data in the extension

WebService And Models

  • Add your DTO in DTO.swift
  • Add your API endpoints in WebService.swift