
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository is based on BeerLocker V.4 found here: https://github.com/scottksmith95/beerlocker/tree/master/beerlocker-4 I've made a couple of change in order to use it on iPhone application as API Service.

What Beer Server Use:

  1. MongoDB as Database
  2. NodeJS as Application Server

Installation Prerequisites

  1. NodeJS: you can find your version here: https://nodejs.org/en/
  2. MongoDB: you can find installation instruction on MongoDB Website

Install MongoDB on OSX:

To install MongoDB on OSX follow this steps

  1. Install Brew (very simple, just follow the single line instruction at: http://brew.sh/)
  2. Run brew install mongodb on OSX Platform
  3. Create data directory: sudo mkdir -p /data/db
  4. Change directory permission: `sudo chown -R $USER /data/db``
  5. Test MongoDB installation running the command mongod

Generate SSH Key to handle HTTPS Requests:

Go into the directory where you have clone this repository and hit this commands

  1. `openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.enc.key 1024``
  2. `openssl req -new -key server.enc.key -out server.csr``
  3. `openssl rsa -in server.enc.key -out server.key``
  4. openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt

When the server start, will find server.keyand server.crt, so is very important that the certificates are in the server directory.

Run the server:

When the previous steps are done, you can just type node server.jsand if all was gone right you should see the message Server started at port 5001