
It is collaborative project, with added features like filter products, sorting products, delete a product from cart, payment etc.

Primary LanguageHTML


👋 Hello Everyone..!!

This is a project in Unit-3 of Masai School. As part of our work on the project, we are assigned to clone the e-commerce website Shop.com. We are Masai School Web-17 students. We are currently in unit 3. Construct week is an integral part of every unit at Masai School. During this period, every student at Masai School builds a project. As of May 2nd, we were informed of the names of the members and the project. Our task is to build a clone of Shop.com. A popular online shopping site.

👉 Links of the clone Shop.com site project :-

  1. GitHub Repo Link:- https://github.com/mistrivishal/SHOP.COM-clone ;

  2. Netlify Link:- https://shop-com-clone-web17.netlify.app/ ;

  3. Blog Link:- https://medium.com/@ingole8888/building-clone-of-e-commerce-site-shop-com-79a6addafb9a ;

  4. Project Presentation Video:- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Elzo32SrBGF0n6uxxu1ZDnn8c-NBnrvL/view?usp=drivesdk ;

👉Introduce my teammates:

  1. Krunal Bhandekar
  2. Hemanth Kumar
  3. Vishal Mistri
  4. Mamata Ingole
  5. Mobin
  6. Sunil Ingole

👉Tech Stack Used:

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. API's

We had a week to build the project. We use HTML, CSS and Java-script to build the project.

👉Landing Page: This is the landing page of the Croma clone site exactly the same as the Shop.com site. We tried to give some functionally such as carousel Sliding, Tab Switching, Login page, Hover Effects, On-scroll shrinking, Brand pages, product pages, and cart pages. On the landing page, we create a navbar and search bar. If the user clicks on the menu it will show the pages of the section.

👉Login Page: On the login page, there are two options login and create an account. If you are a new user you have to click on create the account If you have already an account just enter the registered email and password. And you logged in into website. If you forget your password there is option of forget password you just click on it and you able recover your password form the link provided by us on your registered Email id.

👉Nav Bar: On the landing page, we create a navbar and search bar. If the user clicks on the menu it shows the pages of the section and if the user clicks on any of the sections on these it will redirect to that page.

👉Product Pages: After clicking on the any product page on the home page the user will are redirected to this particular section. For every product their are two options See Details and Buying Options. If User Click on any button he/she can redirect on this particular page. If user click on Buying option he can redirect to the product details page. On this page user get all details about product. If user want to buy or add to cart he/she just click on add to cart and product will added to cart page.

👉Cart Page: In cart user can see all the products and its total price which added by the user. If user wants to remove some product from the cart he/she can be able to remove it from cart by just clicking on remove button which is next to every product. And if user wants to continue to checkout just click on proceed to checkout.

👉Checkout Pages: After clicking on proceed to checkout user can redirect to the address page here user have to click on add address and fill the address details in details. After filling all details just click on save address. And address will saved on the address page. Just click on checkbox besides address user can confirm their address. Then user have to click on continue checkout. After clicking on continue checkout user redirect on shipping page here user can get all information like his address and estimated time time of delivery. Again after clicking on continue checkout user can redirect on a payment page. Here user can select a payment method whatever he wants. Also user can apply promocode in a gift card coupon inbox. And just clicking on apply button the promocode will apply on a bill. Then user have to click on pace order. After clicking on place order user get a alert massage “your order has been successfully placed!”. After clicking on “Ok” user can redirect on a home page.

👉Footer: This is the footer page we created multiple options where users can connect such as Email, Facebook, Pintrest and Twitter. Also, we have added a Return policy, about the Shop.com and Terms of us.

:-team_Shop.com 😊