This cookbook has been forked from hmalphettes/storm-project-cookbook and a first pass of modifications have been made to support any Storm version (0.9.1-incubating by default), added recipe for a single node cluster deployment, a recipe for a UI node and added/cleaned some options. I am using this cookbook with Chef Solo and Vagrant. Lots of modifications are still required to put this cookbook in better shape.
This cookbook will install the following:
- Storm 0.9.3 by default but configurable
- logrotate
- Ubuntu Linux
- Java 1.7 need to be installed. I suggest this Java cookbook
- Zookeeper Cluster
- storm::singlenode
- storm::nimbus
- storm::supervisor
- storm::ui
- storm::drpc
- storm::config
The storm::singlenode
recipe installs nimbus, supervisor, drpc and ui on the same node.
You must override or set the following in some manner such as in a role, wrapper / application cookbook before running any recipe other than storm::singlenode:
- Array of zookeeper FQDN or IP addresses
- Single FQDN or IP of nimbus host
- Array of supervisor FQDN or IP addresses
See attributes/default.rb for other attributes that can be set
Complete Vagrantfile
chef.add_recipe "java"
chef.add_recipe "storm::singlenode"
chef.json = {
:java => {
:oracle => {
"accept_oracle_download_terms" => true
:install_flavor => "oracle",
:jdk_version => "7",
:storm => {
:deploy => {
:user => "storm",
:group => "storm",
:nimbus => {
:host => "localhost",
:childopts => "-Xmx128m",
:supervisor => {
:hosts => ["localhost"],
:childopts => "-Xmx128m",
:worker => {
:childopts => "-Xmx128m",
:ui => {
:childopts => "-Xmx128m",