
Redmine API scripts for Hubot

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Hubot Redmine

Light mapping of the Redmine REST API that allows hubot access to some basic redmine tasks. Once you have a redmine user (preferably one with enough access to modify tickets), add the following to your heroku/etc. config:

heroku config:add HUBOT_REDMINE_BASE_URL="http://redmine.your-server.com"
heroku config:add HUBOT_REDMINE_TOKEN="your api token here"

If using over SSL, add the following to your heroku config:

heroku config:add HUBOT_REDMINE_SSL=1


Showing issue details

  • Hubot show me [issue id]
  • Hubot redmine me [issue id]

Showing my issue (or another user's)

  • Hubot show my issues
  • Hubot show [user]'s issues ** [user] will attempt to match on redmine firstname or login

Re-Assigning tickets

  • Hubot assign [issue id] to [user]

Leaving notes on tickets

  • Hubot update [issue id] with "[comments]"

Create tickets

  • Hubot add issue to "[project]" [traker id] with "[subject]" ** [tracker id] is optional and represent the number matching literal value Bug/Feature/...

Get a link to an issue

  • Hubot link me [issue id]

Set the percent done of an issue

  • Hubot set [issue id] to 100% "[comments]"
  • Hubot add [hours] hours to [issue id] "[comments]"

Showing issue summary

  • hubot #[issue id]


        #[issue id] (tracker name) subject
        issue url


  1. 自分のhubotを作成

        % hubot --create <path>
  2. 移動

        % cd <above path>
  3. package.jsonを編集 (すでにhubotを作成済みの場合はここから)

        "dependencies": {
          "hubot-redmine": "git://github.com/mistymagich/hubot-redmine.git"
  4. npm installしてインストール

  5. external-scripts.jsonを編集

  6. hubotの起動スクリプトに環境変数を追加
