
My nixos and home-manager configrations

Primary LanguageNix


misumisumi' NixOS & nix-darwin System Configuration & Home-Manager Configuration Flake

Welcome to the nix World!
This is misumisumi's NixOS and home-manager settings.

You can try NixOS using some of my setup.
Currently, only the NixOS environment is supported.
In the future, other distributions (user home config) and macOS will be supported.


  • This repository is maintained by Nix Flakes.

  • You can try out gnome or CLI environment for recovery.

  • Settings for each machine are located in machines.

  • You can try with home-manager, if you can only use under user env.

  • system-wide

├── apps           # settings for installing apps
│   ├── system     # system wide
│   └── user       # user wide
│       ├── core   # common installing apps
│       ├── full   # include GUI
│       ├── medium # include latex
│       └── small  # include neovim and zsh
├── machines       # settings for each machine
├── modules        # nixosModules and homeManagerModules
├── patches        # patch of package
├── settings       # common machine settings
│   ├── system     # system wide
│   └── user       # user wide
├── sops           # secrets
└── users          # settings for each user
  • only user-wide (home-manager)
# core config (Please see apps/user/core)
home-manager switch --flake ".#core"

# small config (Please see apps/user/small, Include `core`)
home-manager switch --flake ".#small"

# full config (Please see apps/user/full, Include `core` and `small`)
home-manager switch --flake ".#full"

Installation Guide

  1. Create nix env
  1. Check networking connection

    • run ip -c a and ping
    • wireless settings use nmcli or wpa_supplicant
  2. Install

Bootable External Disk

# Create key file for luks
echo <password> > /tmp/luks.key
# In root env

# Format disk and mount to `/mnt`
# **Need edit `device` in ./machines/liveimg/filesystem.nix**
# "liveimg-cui" for CUI env, "liveimg-gui" for GUI env
nix run nixpkgs#disko -- -m disko --flake ("github:misumisumi/nixos-desktop-config#liveimg-cui" or "github:misumisumi/nixos-desktop-config#liveimg-gui")

# Install NixOS to `/mnt`
nixos-install --no-root-passwd --flake ("github:misumisumi/nixos-desktop-config#liveimg-cui" or "github:misumisumi/nixos-desktop-config#liveimg-gui")

Create LiveCD

# Create .iso file
nix run nixpkgs#nixos-generators -- --format iso -o result --flake github:misumisumi/nixos-desktop-config#liveimg-iso

# Write iso to device
dd if=result/iso/*.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress


System Compornents

  • Common Compornents
Linux macOS
Shell Zsh Zsh
Terminal wezterm wezterm
Editor Neovim Neovim
Browser Vivaldi & Firefox Vivaldi & Firefox
Input Method Fcitx5+mozc & skk -
Launcher Rofi -
GTK Theme Adapta-Nokto-Eta -
Icon Theme Papirus-Dark -
System Font Source Han Sans -
DE Window System
gnome Wayland or Xorg
QTile Xorg
Yabai macOS


  • support macOS