
Docker configuration to create Usenet and Torrent downloading system using Sonarr, Radarr, Deluge (over PIA OpenVPN), NZBGet, and Plex

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Docker configuration to create Usenet and Torrent downloading system using Sonarr, Radarr, Deluge (over PIA OpenVPN), NZBGet, and Plex

First run

  • install Docker
  • create a Plex accout
  • clone this repository
  • create a media folder in docker-compose's folder with $USER_ID:$GROUP_ID ownership
  • get your Plex claim token at https://www.plex.tv/claim/
  • run PUID="1000" PGID="1000" docker-compose up -d
  • enjoy



Open-VPN Client is used to force Deluge over a VPN to avoid automated copyright notices from your ISP.

  • If using PIA, add your username and password to ~/openvpn-client/vpn.auth. For other VPN providers, you'll want to read about how to configure them with OpenVPN clients.


NZBGet downloads content using Usenet

  • Add a usenet server, along with credentials from the Settings.


Deluge downloads content using BitTorrent

  • none


Plex is used to play multimedia files.

  • authenticate with your Plex credentials
  • configure TV and Movies paths to /data/TV and /data/Movies


Sonarr is used to track and manage TV shows. It utilizes downloaders to actually download them.

  • configure authentication
  • add Indexers for NZBs, based on what you have
  • add Plex Media Server to "Connect" tab, using your Plex credentials


Similar to Sonarr (actually forked code) Radarr is used to track and manage Movies.

  • configure authentication
  • add Indexers for NZBs, based on what you have
  • add Plex Media Server to "Connect" tab, using your Plex credentials