Docker configuration to create Usenet and Torrent downloading system using Sonarr, Radarr, Deluge (over PIA OpenVPN), NZBGet, and Plex
First run
- install Docker
- create a Plex accout
- clone this repository
- create a media folder in docker-compose's folder with $USER_ID:$GROUP_ID ownership
- get your Plex claim token at
- run
PUID="1000" PGID="1000" docker-compose up -d
- enjoy
Open-VPN Client is used to force Deluge over a VPN to avoid automated copyright notices from your ISP.
- If using PIA, add your username and password to ~/openvpn-client/vpn.auth. For other VPN providers, you'll want to read about how to configure them with OpenVPN clients.
NZBGet downloads content using Usenet
- Add a usenet server, along with credentials from the Settings.
Deluge downloads content using BitTorrent
- none
Plex is used to play multimedia files.
- authenticate with your Plex credentials
- configure TV and Movies paths to /data/TV and /data/Movies
Sonarr is used to track and manage TV shows. It utilizes downloaders to actually download them.
- configure authentication
- add Indexers for NZBs, based on what you have
- add Plex Media Server to "Connect" tab, using your Plex credentials
Similar to Sonarr (actually forked code) Radarr is used to track and manage Movies.
- configure authentication
- add Indexers for NZBs, based on what you have
- add Plex Media Server to "Connect" tab, using your Plex credentials