Django backend for who owns mass application.
Written in Python 3.10.2
Install pyenv-virtualenv
Create the virtual Python environment:
pyenv virtualenv 3.10.2 mass-evictions
Trigger it automatically upon cd-ing into current dir
echo "mass-evictions" >> .python-version
Install Python dependencies:
pip install requirements.txt -r
To run app:
./ runserver
cp config/settings/ config/settings/
Run sql file update_db.sql
either by running file or copy pasting each line and making sure the tables have been updated with an id
psql \c eviction_db
\x on;
select * from plaintiffs limit 5;
Migrate DB
./ migrate
to run Django shell (and make it nice)
./ shell_plus
pip install pygraphviz
python graph_models -a -g -o schema.png