
Web application project for 3308

Primary LanguageHTML

Norlin Walk

Project Description

We are building a web application that works on iOS and Android browsers and what it is, is a book finder for the Norlin library. Users type in a book name and their phones will use the built-in gyroscope to present an augmented reality map to guide the users to their book.

Vision Statement

"A personal librarian, finding books made easy, all just on your phone."


We thought it would be great if we could find books more easily in Norlin Library


Some risks are that we are exposed to new languages such as Javascript, MySQL, PHP.

Mitigation strategy for risks

Generalize the location of books. Simple code. One function, does one job, and does it well.


User requirements

  • As a student, I want an easy way to find book. Time: 9weeks
  • As a user, I want the app to be conveient. Time: 9weeks
  • As a user, I want the instructions to be clear. Time: 9weeks

Function Requirements

  • As developers, we need a database to store our data. Prority:1
  • As developers, we want to be able to search for books on our database. Prority:2
  • As developlers, create a route to the desired book. Prority:3
  • As developers, allow navigation starting at several positions by showing a 360 degree view of the library. Prority:5
  • As developers, we need to have a user-interface for the user to search for books. Prority:8

Non-Functional requirements

  • As a user, I want auto complete to help me find books faster.
  • As a developer and user, we want the panoramics to be clear.
  • As a user, I want the app to load fast.
  • As a user, I want auto-smooth transitions to different maps.


Iterative process, with working new big features every 1-2 weeks.

Project Tracking Software

Github Issues & Milestones

The link to the Github Issues is here.

The link to the Github Milestone is here.

Project Plan

Project Plan


Visit Norlin Walk here.

How to test? Click here.

Group Members

  • Aidan Bohenick (aibo3269)
  • Dalton Morrow (daltonmcclain)
  • Jeong Min Lee (jele5104)
  • Michael Tang (mita4829)
  • Owen Wattenmaker (owattenmaker)