
A platform for communicating ideas and information

Primary LanguageGo


A platform for communicating ideas and information.


This project will be a full-stack website for users to publish and view posts of various types like blogs, stories, articles, or portfolios. The goal is to provide the users with a platform for communicating ideas and information.

Project Members

  1. Ankit Anil Kulkarni

  2. Nayan Jain

  3. Sagar Piyush Parikh

  4. Sanika Avinash Mathapati

Tech Stack:

  1. Frontend: React
  2. Backend: Go



  • Users have the ability to create multiple types of posts, such as - blogs, stories, etc.
  • Users also have the ability to view, react, and comment on posts of other users.


  • Each post is made of multiple components - a title, a short summary, the content, the upload date, and a tag associated with it. A post may contain pictures and other posts associated with it.


  • The posts appear on a user's dashboard. They can be filtered based on features like - uploaded date, tags, users, etc.


Go starter kit credits - https://github.com/pilinux/gorest