Tech Internship Resources

This is a list of resources that I have compiled through my own software engineering internship search. This is by no means a comprehensive list nor am I affiliated with any of the organizations or writers listed below.

Please feel free to contribute to this resource list. To do so, either:

Note: While there may be an overlap with other tech internships like data science etc., this list is primarily focused on software engineering internships.

Resume Resources

  • How to Write Your First Resume: Advice by the University of Washington Paul G. Allen School of Computing on best practices to attract industry recruiters
  • Resume Tips: Presentation put together by the University of Washington's Career & Internship Center on best resume practices
  • HH Websites & Resumes: Great community for both peer reviewing of resumes (getting feedback on your own resume) as well as seeing sample resumes of other individuals within the tech industry

Getting that Experience

  • Karan Goel's Mega Project List: Great starting point for students looking to gain exposure to interview like questions as well as translate their classroom knowledge into real computer science problems
  • Angel List: Start-ups are a great way to gain some footing in the tech industry as well as make a large impact within a smaller setting.

How to get an Interview Resources

  • Intern Supply: Interview Preparation Resources as well as an up-to-date list of tech companies and their job postings - make sure to sign up for their newsletter too!
  • Linkedin: Lots of job postings here as well as a great place to start cold calling recruiters
  • Career Fairs: Don't just hand your resume out, make sure to get recruiters' contact info so that you can follow up with them after the career fair as well as next year
  • Indeed: For Job Postings!
  • Referrals: Ask people you know who work at companies you are interested in to refer you! They don't have to be friends and you can leverage your school's alumni network to get a referral.

Hopefully by now, you have your own spreadsheet of different companies that you are thinking about applying to as well as their recruiter's name and contact info :)

Acing that Interview Resources

  • Cracking the Coding Interview: I highly recommend buying your own copy of the book!
  • HackerRank: Online Interview Practice
  • LeetCode: Online Interview Practice
  • Facebook CodeLabs: Online Interview Practice
  • Coursera Courses: If you haven't taken some important software engineering courses, check out some of the Coursera courses on data structures and algorithms.
  • Practice-it: Online Interview Practice
  • CSE 143: Introductory Programming II in Java (covers materials such as ArrayLists, Stacks, Queues, Sets, Maps, Binary Trees, Recursion and Recursive Backtracking)
  • CSE 332: Data Structures and Parallelism (covers materials such as Priority Queues, Algorithm Analysis, Recurrences, Dictionaries, Sorting and Parallelism)
  • Glassdoor: Look at previous interview questions from companies right before you interview with them!
  • Big-O Cheatsheet: Super useful :)
  • GeeksforGeeks: Great explanations for different algorithm questions.

Other Resources

  • LSH Resources List: Ladies Storm Hackathons is a diversity organization for women in tech. This repository contains resources on interviewing, negotiating, attending hackthons and diversity focused student organizations.
  • Hackathon Hackers: Comprehensive list of different HH subgroups as well as a list of other amazing opportunities