
Docker project for XCKAN

Primary LanguageVue

X(Cross)CKAN System

2020-12-09 sagara@info-proto.com

  • Build docker images

      sudo docker-compose build [--no-cache]
  • Configuration

    Edit volumes/backend_etc/ckanlist.json for the CKAN sites you want to use. Entries whose url fields start with ! will be ignored.

    You can edit 'docker-compose.yml' to customize the external locations of the metadata collected by the backend and indexed by solr.

    • ./volumes/solr: Solr's data directory (instanceDir)
    • ./volumes/backend_cache: backend-harvester's file storage

    The collected metadata is stored in these directories so that it will not be lost when you exit the docker. If you want to remove them, see the instructions below.

  • Run containers

      # Make persistent directories (if not exist yet)
      mkdir volumes/solr
      mkdir volumes/backend_cache
      # Allow the solr-user can write data
      chmod -R a+w volumes/solr/
      # Run docker-compose
      sudo docker-compose up -d
  • Initialization (only when launched for the first time)

      # Initialize solr-schema
      curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' --data-binary @backend/xckan-schema.json http://localhost:28983/solr/ckan-xsearch/schema
  • Run the harvester to update metadata (Anytime you want)

      sudo docker container exec -it xckan-backend python /app/harvester/update.py

    If something goes wrong, execute the update.py script with --debug and --log options.

      sudo docker container exec -it xckan-backend python /app/harvester/update.py --debug --log=/cache/update.log

    Running the above command will output the debug logs in volumes/backend_cache/update.log.

  • Access to the frontend Web

    Open http://localhost:23000/ on the docker host.

    If you want to access the frontend from a client PC other than the docker host:

    The front end assumes that the backend WebAPI server is running on localhost:25000. Therefore, change the configuration file to specify the back-end hostname (1) or use SSH tunnel (2).

    (1) The configuration files can be found in frontend/sip2-ckan/nuxt.config.js. Replace all localhost:25000 in the file to the correct one.

    (2) To create a SSH tunnel, run ssh -N -L 25000:localhost:25000 <dockerhost> on the PC.

  • Access Solr Admintool

    You can access the solr admin to check the indexed raw metadata. Open http://localhost:28983/solr/ on the docker host.

  • Use ckan-xsearch backend API

    You can access the backend WebAPI server also.

  • Stop containers

      sudo docker-compose down
  • Remove metadata

    Stop containers then remove volumes/backend_cache/ and volumes/solr/.

      sudo rm -rf volumes/backend_cache/ volumes/solr/

    If you want to run it again, follow the Run containers procedure to create the directories.

    Since the Solr schema is also gone, run the Initialization step as well.