
Just an another DS and Algo repository with basic conceptual examples in Java.

Primary LanguageJava

Data Structure and Algorithm with Java

I made this repository while learning Data Structure and Algorithms. This is my small contribution to Github community and I must say this repository will gonna help every beginner and Programming lovers to learn the very basics of Data structure and Algorithms.

Note: This repository contains basics of Data Structure and Algorithm. Suggestions are welcome!


  1. Basic Array Functions (Insertion, getElement, Search, Sort, etc.)
  2. Find duplicate Elements in the array
  3. Rotational Array
  4. Find max. and min. Element in the array

Linked Lists

  • Singular Linked List
  1. Creation, Insertion, and Traversal
  2. Searching an Element
  3. Updating a node
  4. Deletion of an Element
  5. Reversal of a linked list
  6. Sorting a linked list and other Implimentations
  7. Merging two sorted Linked List
  8. Polynomial Arithmetic with Linked List
  • Doubly Linked List
  1. Creation, Insertion, and Traversal
  2. Deletion of an Element
  3. Reversal of a Double Linked List
  4. Traversal Challenge (Two steps forward & One step backward)
  • Circular Linked List
  1. Creation, Insertion, and Traversal
  2. Deletion of an Element
  3. Searching an Element
  4. Reversal of a Circular Linked List

Stacks and Queues

  • Stacks
  1. Array Implimentation of Stack
  2. Linked List Implimentation of Stack
  3. Dynamic Array Implimentation of Stack
  4. Stack Implimentation using Queue
  5. Applications of Stack
  • Queues
  1. Array Implimentation of Queue (Circular Queue)
  2. Linked List Implimentation of Queue
  3. Queue Implimentation using Stack
  • Deque
  • Priority Queue


  • Binary Trees
  1. Array Representation of Binary Tree
  2. Linked List Representation of Binary Tree -- Creation of Binary Tree -- Recursive Traversal (PreOrder, Inorder, PostOrder) -- Non- Recursive Traversal (PreOrder, Inorder, PostOrder) -- Level Order traversal
  3. Insertion/Deletion/Searching
  4. Height of a Binary Tree
  • Binary Search Trees


Will Update Soon! Stay Tuned...


Will Update Soon! Stay Tuned...


Will Update Soon! Stay Tuned...


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

If you find a bug or any better way of Implementation. Please feel free to pull-request it. :)


Will Update Soon! Stay Tuned...
