
Reproduction for https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1415291

Primary LanguageGo

This repository is a reproduction for Chromium issue 1415291. The issue is that since Chromium disabled HTTP2 PUSH there is no way to preload content negotiated data (i.e., where data depends on the Accept header) which is a problem when you have a server which serves both HTML and JSON at the same path and you want to preload JSON when HTML is requested.

To run, you should use Go:

go run main.go

And then open http://localhost:8000/ in Chromium. Open network tab in DevTools.


You should see three requests being made very soon after the other, one for / for text/html, another for / for application/json, and another for /data.json for application/json. After 2 seconds that JSON data should be shown in the page when JavaScript calls fetch and gets preloaded data without doing another server equest.


You see three requests, one for /, anther for / and the third for /data.json, but all of them text/html. After 2 seconds no additional requests are made (good), but fetch gets HTML responses which are invalid JSON so error is shown in the page by JavaScript (bad).


There are multiple issues here:

  • Preload requests are made with Accept set to */* so HTML responses are returned. Instead, type="application/json" from Link header should be respected to load JSON responses.
  • When JavaScript calls fetch 2 seconds later, it is called with Accept header set to application/json but Chromium still returns preloaded HTML content instead of doing another request with application/json. So not just that performance is degraded (invalid and unnecessary preloading of HTML is done) but also correctness of execution of the page is impacted.
  • No preloading happens if just </>; rel="preload"; as="fetch"; type="application/json"; crossorigin="anonymous" Link header is issued by the server. If both </>; rel="preload"; as="fetch"; type="application/json"; crossorigin="anonymous" and </data.json>; rel="preload"; as="fetch"; type="application/json"; crossorigin="anonymous" headers are issued, then both of them are preloaded. (This is the reason why I included additional /data.json loading. Originally the plan was to have loading of HTML and JSON just from /.)

Tested on Chromium 114.0.5735.198.

Firefox 115.0.2 behaves the same but it does not require two Link headers to load from / and it still has HTTP2 PUSH.