
Physical based animations and mathematical modeling

Primary LanguageGo

Physical based animations and mathematical modelling


For running this package it is required to have golang programming environment.

This project also uses library Pixel for Go programming language. For its requirements and setup instructions check the github.


Compile and run the project using:

$ make run


First you need to install dependencies:

$ make

Then bundle the dependencies to the project using

$ make deps

To build the project on your platform do

$ make <platform>

Where <platform>, is one of the following.

  • linux
  • darwin
  • windows

Disclaimer: cross-building is possible but not recommended as it requires more time and creates a lot of problems along the way. It requires appropriate gcc cross compilers for target platform which are difficult to find and set up.

For cross-building to all platforms use make build with CC_LINUX, CC_DARWIN, CC_WINDOWS environment variables.

It is also possible to change the target architecture with ARCH_LINUX, ARCH_DARWIN, ARCH_WINDOWS environment variables.

The default make build command is the same as running:

$ CC_LINUX=x86_64-pc-linux-gcc CC_DARWIN=o64-clang CC_WINDOWS=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc ARCH_LINUX=amd64 ARCH_DARWIN=amd64 ARCH_WINDOWS=386 make build

Provided CC for will not be used if the target is current platform, instead it will default to system's CC.

Recommended cross compilers

  • For compiling from Linux to Darwin we recommend using osxcross.
  • For compiling from Linux to Windows we recommend using mingw-w64-gcc.
  • Other cross compilers may work but are not tested


Marián Skrip, Samuel Mitas