Project Wikimaps-Collector

Build semantic network of Wikipedia articles based on a single search term. JSON output

Main Use-Case

Use the Wikipedia API to download information about articles and authors and then build a semantic network. The resulting graph of Wikipedia articles is printed in JSON format and can be used in


RelatedResultsFetcher (main-function) the first and only command line argument is the path to the config file (initially "config/")


After running the main class "RelatedResultsFetcher" a file that is named after the search term is written into the folder "out". Example: Dominique Strauss-Kahn leads to Dominique_Strauss-Kahn.json


  • The search is configured in the file "" in the subfolder "config"


The fetcher stores some intermediate results in a MySql Database:

  • The database connection is configured in the file "context.xml" in the subfolder "/src/main/resources"
  • The required tables can be set up using the script "page_link_revisions_2011-08-10.sql" in the directory "db_scripts"

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