
A web framework to facilitate training courses, with a specific focus on information and computer security.

Primary LanguageShell


Learners is a web framework originally built by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) to facilitate training courses, with a specific focus on information and computer security.

It provides participants with a unified interface to access presentations, workbooks, cyber range environments, quizzes, and supporting tools. Instructors can easily manage the learning environment and monitor progress.

Learners is specifically designed to operate with minimal infrastructure requirements and without any associated software costs. This enables the seamless creation, sharing, remixing, and delivery of training courses on a wide scale.

FeaturesHow it WorksLicense

InstallationConfigurationCreating a CourseWriting ContentDelivering Courses


  • Exercises are created using Markdown, images, and diagrams.net file formats, making it free of licensing costs for office suites.
  • Learners supports the simultaneous delivery of training in multiple languages, allowing for multilingual instructional content to be provided.
  • Learners is designed with self-paced exercise control in mind, allowing participants to independently perform exercises and receive feedback.
  • The application embeds HTML5 VNC sessions to facilitate access to cyber range environments and seamless integration of exercise control allowing participants to trigger injects from within digital workbook.
  • Learners generates workbooks tailored to each role and participant.
  • Course designers can develop knowledge retention quizzes to occur during presentations, enhancing learner engagement and interaction while removing the need for costly clickers or in-venue internet access.
  • Instructors can seamlessly view instructor guides and monitor participant progress and evaluate answers in real-time, enabling timely and effective evaluation during the training process.

How it Works

Learners is a three-part framework that consists of the following modules:

  • Learners Application: this is the heart of the framework and combines the created content in the central user interface, handles authentication, fills and maintains the database and serves as an interface to other tools.
  • Learners Theme: the theme is used to style the exercise content and to provide the mentioned shortcodes, but it is also the interface for the communication with the learners backend.
  • Exercise Content: the exercise information as well as any documentation can be written as markdown files. Various shortcodes can be used to extend its functionality and improve its rendered output (see Writing Content for details).


Learners runs on most major platforms that support python3.


The easiest and fastest way to deploy Learners is by using the docker-compose file included in the main learners repository.

  1. Ensure that Docker (see official installation guide) is properly installed and running.

  2. Clone exercises repo

    git clone https://github.com/iaeaorg/learners.git <target-directory>
    cd <target-directory>
  3. Run docker compose

    cd docker
    docker-compose -f compose.yml up


  • SSL certificates will be generated automatically unless you place your own in docker/ssl/ as learners.(crt|key)
  • Database:
    • In order to backup the database, copy the .db file at docker/learners-data/data.db
    • To provide an already existing database copy it to: docker/learners-data/data.db (before running the docker-compose command)
    • To reset the database simply delete docker/learners-data/data.db and restart the server

Clone the Learners Application repository

git clone git@github.com:iaeaorg/learners.git
cd learners

Create a virtual env and install all dependencies for learners backend:

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -e .

Start the backend via gunicorn on localhost (port 5000):

gunicorn backend:app --worker-class gevent --bind

Install all dependencies for the frontend:

cd frontend
yarn install

Start the frontend on localhost (port 3000):

yarn dev


The configuration file config.yml is written in YAML and provides various settings and options to customize the appearance, functionality, and behavior of the Learners application to meet specific requirements and preferences.

Configuration File Description
  • learners (Map):

    • theme (Str): The theme for learners, determining the appearance of the learning interface e.g. "dark", "light".
    • landingpage (Str): The initial page participants will be directed to upon logging in e.g. "documentation", "exercises", "presentations", "novnc".
    • language_code (Str): The default language code for learners, specifying the language used in the user interface e.g. "en", "es".
    • upload_folder (Str): The folder where user uploaded files are stored.
    • upload_extensions (Seq(Str)): The allowed file extensions for uploads, ensuring only specific file types can be uploaded e.g. "txt", "pdf", "png".
  • jwt (Map):

    • jwt_secret_key (Str): The secret key used for JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication.
    • jwt_access_token_duration (Int): The duration of JWT access tokens in minutes. After this period, the tokens expire and require renewal.
    • jwt_for_vnc_access (Bool): A true/false flag indicating whether JWT is required for VNC (Virtual Network Computing) access.
  • database (Map):

    • db_uri (Str): The URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) specifying the connection details for the database e.g. "sqlite:///data.db".
  • users (MapPattern):

    • (Str): User identifier.
      • password (Str): The password associated with the user.
      • admin (Bool): A true/false flag indicating whether the user has admin privileges.
      • role (Str): The role of the user, determining additional access rights and permissions e.g. "instructor".
      • vnc_clients (MapPattern):
        • (Str): VNC client identifier.
          • target (Str): The target destination for the VNC client.
          • tooltip (Str): The tooltip text displayed when interacting with the VNC client.
          • server (Str): The VNC server associated with the client.
          • username (Str): The username used for VNC client authentication.
          • password (Str): The password used for VNC client authentication.
  • venjix (Map):

    • auth_secret (Str): The authentication secret used for Venjix.
    • url (Str): The URL pointing to the location of Venjix.
  • callback (Map):

    • endpoint (Str): The endpoint URL for callbacks, specifying the location where callback requests are sent.
  • novnc (Map):

    • server (Str): The server associated with NoVNC, a VNC client implemented using HTML5 technologies.
  • statics (Map):

    • directory (Str): The directory where static files (built once rather than duplicated for each role) are located.
    • serve_mode (Str): The serve mode for static files, determining how static content is served to users e.g. per "role" or "user".
  • staticsites (Seq(Map)):

    • url (Str): The URL for a static site, specifying its web address.
    • id (Str): The ID for a static site, providing a unique identifier for reference.
    • title (Str): The title of a static site, describing its purpose or content.
    • icon (Str): The icon associated with a static site, representing it visually.
  • serve_documentation (Bool): A true/false flag indicating whether to build documentation content and represent it visually in Learners.

  • serve_presentations (Bool): A true/false flag indicating whether to build presentation content and represent it visually in Learners.

  • serve_exercises (Bool): A true/false flag indicating whether to to build exercise content and represent it visually in Learners.

  • exercise_json (Str): The path to the hugo generated JSON file containing exercise data.

Creating a Course

A training course lives from the content of the exercises. Learners supports facilitating the creation of exercises for the trainers and to make them available to the participants in an appealing way.

Preparation of an Environment for Creating the Exercise Content


Install hugo. Unfortunately, this is only possible to a limited extent via the apt manager (see hugo install docs), so we recommend installing via the snap package manager or via direct download of a current release (at least version 102 (extended)).

sudo apt install snapd
sudo snap install hugo

On the Windows platform we recommend the use of the Chocolatey Package Manager or download the windows release via direct download of a current release (at least version 102 (extended)):

  1. open cmd with admin privileges

  2. Run the following command (obtained from Chocolatey install page):

    Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
  3. Verify your installation:

    choco -?
  4. After installing chocolatey, execute the following command:

    choco install hugo-extended

Building Pages in Learners

One of the main intentions of learners is to facilitate the creation of exercises for instructors to the extent that little technical knowledge is required.

Learners allows an instructor to write the exercises and validate them with the help of Hugo in a live preview of the current state. You can see the result as it will be displayed in the productive system.

The used file format is markdown that are rendered into static HTML files. Accordingly, the creator has the common markdown (goldmark parser) syntax at his/her disposal. In addition, raw HTML can be included and the predefined shortcodes can be used.

The shortcodes provided by learners include components that are necessary to communicate with the learners-backend as well as additional functionalities and extensions for markdown to make the creation of content easier and more flexible. A complete list of applicable shortcodes can be found here (Writing Content).

Previewing Exercises

The theme is included as a git submodule, if you want to run the preview without using the full docker deployment, use the command git submodule update --init --recursive to initialize and fetch the submodule content.

To get this live view, simply run the following command from the root directory of the exercises repo:

hugo serve

Subsequently, you can view the rendered version at http://localhost:1313 (by default) in the web browser.

When you change the content, the preview is updated automatically.

Note: For major changes, the Hugo server may have to be completely restarted and/or the browser cache cleared to actually display the current content (e.g. when changing shortcodes or conducting structural changes).

After the dev environment has been set up, the content can be created/edited. For this, an IDE such as vscode is recommended that supports the Hugo language and syntax, but strictly speaking, any kind of text editor can be used since markdown is a pure text file.

Directory Structure

As already mentioned, all content files are located in the folder of the same name. Within this folder lie all content files that will be served by the hugo server. By default there are two further folders documentation and exercises.

The folder is structured as follows:

├── documentation                            # holder of all documentation files
│   ├── _index.<language-code>.md            # landingpage (introduction)
│   ├── <menu-item>                          # each menu item must be contained inside its own folder
│   │   ├── _index.<language-code>.md        # each menu item must at least have one index markdown file
│   │   └── _index.<language-code>.md        # additional languages must have a separate index file 
│   └── <menu-item>                          # with the corresponding language code.   └── _index.<language-code>.md        
│   ..   
└── exercises                                # holder of all exercises files
    ├── _index.<language-code>.md            # landingpage (introduction)
    ├── <menu-item>                          # each menu item must be contained inside its own folder
    │   ├── _index.<language-code>.md        # each menu item must at least have one index markdown file
    │   └── _index.<language-code>.md        # additional languages must have a separate index file 
    └── <menu-item>                          # with the corresponding language code
    .   └── _index.<language-code>.md        

Each content file follows certain structural and nominative rules. A content file is always called _index.<language-code>.md. Other names can also be used, but the index files are always used as landing pages of the corresponding subfolders. However, it may be useful to use a different name and then refer to it within the index file.

The language code (e.g. en for english or es for spanish) gives the possibility to switch between the languages.

Each index file consists of two parts:

  • Page Parameters
  • Page Content
Creating a New Content Page

When creating content, one must adhere to the prevailing structures in order to achieve the desired result. The files of the "content" folder is relevant for creating content. The subfolders primarily include "documentation", "exercises" and "presentations" which each represent the corresponding content of the associated learners tabs (these are rendered separately in production and assigned to them).

In order to create new items in the main menu:

  1. Create a new folder in the content-root-folder (e.g. exercises)
  2. Add an _index.md containing the information for the menu item (further details and options can be found here (structure).
  3. (optional) Further menu sub-items are created in the same way.

*Note: The _apps folder also has a special role. In this folder, additional static content can be placed that can be made available to the content and thus ultimately to the participants (e.g. static websites as a resource for an exercise).

Page Parameters:

  • title
    The title defines the name of the page and is displayed as a large h1 headline at the beginning of the page.
  • (optional) menuTitle
    By specifying a menuTitle, for example, a short form or code of the title can be specified which is then displayed in the menu instead.
  • (optional) weight
    used for ordering the contents in the menu. Lower weight gets higher precedence. Values must be non-zero, as 0 is interpreted as an unset weight.
  • (optional) chapter
    If set, the page is rendered as a chapter.
  • (optional) questionnaire
    Integrates structured questions and answers for interactive content. Supports multiple question entries with predefined answers. Specify multiple: true or false to allow or disallow multiple selections per question.
  • (optional) redirect
    It may sometimes be the case that the content is to be organised in folders, but that an actual intro/index file cannot be created in each subsequent hierarchy level. In this case, a redirect can be used that forwards the visitor to a subfile.
  • (optional) hideopts
    This parameter can be used to define the display and hiding of content. It can be used to specify when the menu link is clickable. In this way, for example, only the contents of the current and/or previous sessions can be displayed in a training course lasting several days. Specifications can be made as follows (a combination is also possible, simply concatenate both strings):
    • until YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm
    • from YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm
title: Introduction to the use of Learners 
menuTitle: Learners Intro
weight: 1
chapter: false
hideopts: until 2023-01-01 00:01

# Welcome to Learners

Here you will find a guide that leads you through the Learners interface. Learners is the interface that gives you access to this documentation and allows you to access and perform the exercises. It also offers several additional features that are specifically discussed in this guide.
Creating a "Clicker" Style Questionnaire

Learners has the ability to create a "clicker" style questionnaire that can managed within the course. Questions are built into a database established from the questionnaire parameter in the page settings. This allows for structured questions and answers, facilitating interactive content for the learners. You can specify whether multiple answers are allowed for each question.

Here is an example of how to add a questionnaire to your content page:

title: Feedback on Learner Experience
menuTitle: Learner Feedback
weight: 2
chapter: false
hideopts: from 2023-01-02 00:01
  - question: "Out of the groups discussed, which do you best identify as?"
      - "Decision Makers"
      - "Implementors"
      - "Impacted"
    multiple: false
  - question: "How long have you worked on nuclear computer security?"
      - "<1 year"
      - "2-3 years"
      - "3+ years"
    multiple: false
  - question: "What are you looking forward to building as part of this course?"
      - "Engagement"
      - "Confidence"
      - "Empowerment"
    multiple: true

# Feedback on Your Learner Experience

This section is dedicated to collecting feedback from learners. Your responses will help us improve the learning experience. An instructor will issue questions to you within the Learners application, please answer them so we can support your learning experience.

Structuring Content in Learners

While Learners has been designed to be flexible the following sections and features were considered in it's design. The following sections outline briefly their intended use.


The Learners platform incorporates a dedicated section specifically designed to house essential course-related documentation. Content pages built for documentation should be stored under /documentation/ and will be generated by default although this behaviour can be disabled in the Learners config.yml. Typically included within this section are:

  • Detailed Course Agenda: Outlining the structured plan and timeline for the course, usually within a Markdown table.
  • User Guide for 'Learners' Platform: Comprehensive instructions and tips designed to assist participants in navigating and utilizing the 'Learners' platform and the specific functionality enabled for the course.
  • Resource Repository: A curated collection of valuable materials including cheat sheets for various tools, standards, and guidance documents. These resources are intended to supplement the learning process and provide quick reference points.
  • Course Feedback: A form page prepared to capture participant feedback on the course.

The "Exercises" section in the Learners platform is intended to outline the hands-on training activities, guide the participants through them, and collect their responses and feedback. Content pages built for exercises should be stored under /exercises/ and will be generated by default although this behaviour can be disabled in the Learners config.yml. An exercise content page will typically include:

  • Exercise Descriptions and Objectives: Each exercise is usually prefaced with a detailed description and clear learning objectives, ensuring that participants understand the purpose and expected outcomes.
  • Step-by-Step Instructions: Exercises steps should provide easy-to-follow steps, guiding participants through each task. Including images and other resources to support the learning experience.
  • Form Elements: Interactive form elements allow participants to answer questions or link to other external tools.
  • Links to Resources: Links can be embedded onto the page to other Learners pages, tools provided in Learners tabs, or applications hosted under the _apps/ directory.

An example of the structure of a five day training course follows:

├── _index.en.md
├── day_1
│   ├── M-12E
│   │   ├── _index.en.md
│   │   ├── aaea.png
│   │   ├── acbp.png
│   │   ├── acsc.png
│   │   ├── afp.png
│   │   ├── asherah.png
│   │   ├── asis.png
│   │   ├── gula.png
│   │   └── snri.png
│   ├── M-15E
│   │   ├── _index.en.md
│   │   ├── ics_process.png
│   │   └── inst_diagram.png
│   └── _index.en.md
├── day_2
│   ├── M-21E
│   │   ├── _index.en.md
│   │   ├── asis_report.pdf
│   │   ├── cooperzino.pdf
│   │   ├── gula.pdf
│   │   └── nuclear_news.pdf
│   ├── M-23E
│   │   ├── R-23E_Cyber Threat Scenario Analysis Exercise_Trainee.pdf
│   │   └── _index.en.md
│   └── _index.en.md
├── day_3
│   ├── M-31E
│   │   └── _index.en.md
│   ├── _index.en.md
│   └── ics_1
│       ├── _index.en.md
│       ├── control-panel-remote-access.png
│       ├── mmc-disable-fw-rule.png
│       ├── mmc-event-viewer-local.png
│       ├── mmc-logon-information.png
│       ├── mmc-select-computer.png
│       ├── mmc-snap-ins.png
│       ├── mmc-windows-firewall.png
│       ├── run-mmc.png
│       ├── tia-desktop-icon.png
│       ├── tia-open-project.png
│       ├── tia-plc_1-online.png
│       ├── tia-plc_1-open.png
│       └── tia-simulate-process.png
├── day_4
│   ├── M-41E
│   │   ├── _index.en.md
│   │   ├── lozenge.png
│   │   └── sec_levels.png
│   ├── M-42E
│   │   ├── _index.en.md
│   │   ├── example_sec_levels.png
│   │   ├── snri_assigned_functions.png
│   │   ├── snri_complex.png
│   │   ├── snri_opal.png
│   │   └── snri_rrb.png
│   └── _index.en.md
├── day_5
│   ├── M-52E
│   │   └── _index.en.md
│   ├── _index.en.md
│   └── ics_2
│       ├── _index.en.md
│       ├── file-explorer-loc.png
│       ├── ipfire-fw-logs.png
│       ├── ipfire-fw-rules-overview.png
│       ├── ipfire-main-page.png
│       ├── mmc-add-folder-snapin.png
│       ├── mmc-view-shares.png
│       ├── tia-window-title.png
│       ├── ws-clear-df.png
│       ├── ws-cotp-example.png
│       ├── ws-example-df.png
│       ├── ws-lan-start.png
│       ├── ws-smb-filter.png
│       └── ws-stop-capture.png

The presentations section is designed to provide participants access to presentations in an easy to view and follow format. Learners will embed a PDF on the page and provide a usable interface for the pariticpant to follow on with a lecture or later refer to the presentation material. Content pages built for presentations should be stored under /presentations/ and will be generated by default although this behaviour can be disabled in the Learners config.yml.

The PDF file for presentation can either be stored under the content page directory or centrally in _slides, this allows all presentation PDFs to be managed from a central directory allowing scripted generation of all PDFs output to a single directory from their respective source documents (.pptx, .odp, etc.). If files are stored centrally the global_slides flag should be set to true in the frontmatter of the content page.

The following is an example of a presentation content page utilising global_slides and with a single quiz question:

Title: M-21 Introduction to Threat and Attack Lifecycle
menuTitle: M-21
weight: 2
chapter: false
slides: "M-21_Intro to Threat and Attack Lifecycle.pdf"
global_slides: true
  - question: "A potential attacker's capability, intent, and opportunity are independent factors, and the absence of one does not significantly impact the overall threat?"
      - "Yes"
      - "No"
    multiple: false

{{< input-comment >}}
Static Applications and External Tools

Static ressources can be added in the /_apps folder in the root directory of this repository. When refering to the files in a hyperlink, add ?target=_apps to the url.


Add a folder named "example_website" to the_apps folder, and create a default index.html file.

[Example Website](example_website/index.html?target=_apps)

Writing Content

Formatting Content

Markdown simplifies the writing and creation of html content. However, this simplification comes with the drawback of losing control over certain features. We have tried to give back some important capabilities by using shortcodes.

(layout-table): Using Tables for Formatting

Sometimes you want to organise the content in a table, e.g. a list of images with the corresponding picture description right next to it. In markdown, however, there is no table without a header and without borders. To achieve this, the following shortcode can be used:

{{< layout-table [options] >}}

This shortcode must be inserted somewhere within the table object.

| {{< layout-table ratio="30 70" >}} |                 |
| :--------------------------------- | :-------------- |
| ![alt text](image.png)             | lorem ipsum ... |


  • (optional) divider: (default: "true")
    The divider parameter controls whether or not to display a small border on the lower edge of a table row.
{{< layout-table divider="false" >}}  

  • (optional) striped: (default: "false")
    The striped parameter allows shading in every odd table row. It is recommended to deactivate the divider parameter when using this.
{{< layout-table striped="true" divider="false" >}}

  • (optional) ratio (Default: "30 70")
    The ratio parameter can be used to control the widths of the columns in a two-column layout. These must always sum up to 100. In the following example, a 50:50 ratio was used:
{{< layout-table ratio="50 50" >}}

  • (optional) padding (default: "10px")
    The padding parameter can be used to control the cell spacing. This option expects a string in the usual CSS syntax.
{{< layout-table padding="20px 40px 20px 0px" >}}

If you want to use a default table and only the header should be hidden, this can be done with the following shortcode:

{{< no-table-header >}}
(cell-span): Merging Cells in Tables

Using the cell-span shortcode, row- and col-span can also be realised in markdown.


  • cols (default=1)
| Head: first column                 | Head: second column |
| :--------------------------------- | :------------------ |
| {{< cell-span cols="2">}} Lorem ipsum ...                |
| ![example](example.jpg)            | Lorem ipsum ...     |

  • rows (default=1)
| Head: first column      | Head: second column                                |
| :---------------------- | :------------------------------------------------- |
| ![example](example.jpg) | {{< cell-span rows="2" >}} Lorem ipsum ...         |
| ![example](example.jpg) | |

(cell|row|col-color): Coloring tables

The following 3 shortcodes can be used to shade cells, rows and columns respectively. These shortcodes must be placed in the corresponding cells and have the two options that expect a CSS compliant string (HEX or colour enumerates):

  • (optional) color
  • (optional) textcolor


| {{< cell-color color="#afc1c3" >}} Lorem ipsum ... | At vero ... |


| {{< row-color color="#afc1c3" >}} Lorem ipsum ... | At vero ... |


| {{< col-color color="#afc1c3" >}} Lorem ipsum ... | At vero ... |

Markdown embedding of images and figures

Images can be included in two ways: either as markdown default, which is rendered to a normal inline img tag, or you can extend the filename with #figure, which results in them being displayed uniformly: gray background, dropshadow and a caption below. The numbering of the figure is generated automatically. The alt text is used as caption. This also has the advantage that the raw markdown file can be viewed with any rendering engine without causing rendering glitches.

Normal Image:

![alt text](example.jpg)


![This is the caption of the image](example.jpg#figure)

Creating Exercise Forms

In order to create a form exercise, you first need a form-shortcode wrapper that includes all the corresponding form fields and a corresponding input-group. These two shortcodes are mandatory.

(form): Creating exercise forms to accept submissions from participants

The only parameter required is the form name, which must be unique. If a duplicate name is entered it will return an error with further information (where to find the duplicate) when rendering via hugo.

{{% form name="Example Exercise" %}}
{{% /form %}}

At the end of a form, the so-called trigger box is automatically generated, which is used for communication with the Learners backend.

(input-group): Grouping of question sets and allowing for extendability e.g. minimum of three answers

The form fields are organized in groups. So first another wrapper input-group must be created in which the individual fields can be defined afterwards:

{{% input-group [options] %}}
<form elements>
{{% /input-group %}}


  • (optional) title
    Headline of the respective input group, rendered as headline-html-tag.
  • (optional) extendable (default = false)
    If set to true the participants get an additional button 'add row' (see image below) where they can extend the respective group of elements. By clicking this button all fields of the corresponding group are duplicated and attached to the form.
  • (optional) min (default: 0)
    Can be used to force a specific number of additional items. e.g. a minimum of 3 OSINT findings must be submitted. If this condition is not met, the form won't be submitted at all.

Form Elements

(input-text): a simple one-line text field
{{< input-text label="Textfield label" [options] >}}


  • label
    Label for the respective textfield.
  • (optional) required (default: false)
    If set to true, the validation fails if it's empty.
  • (optional) wide (default: false)
    If set to true, the label and the textfield are displayed in two separate rows. It is recommended to use this option if the label text is very long.
  • (optional) placeholder
    Can be used to show a placeholder text inside the textfield.
  • (optional) instructor
    Gives the opportunity to give notes to the instructors. This information is only visible for users with the role 'instructor' or 'admin'

Example output:

{{< input-text
    label="This is a long label for the subsequent textfield"
    placeholder="Please enter the answer"
    instructor="Here is the note for the instructor"

(input-textarea): an expandable multiline text field for free text
{{< input-textarea label="Textarea label" [options] >}}


  • label
    Label for the respective textarea.
  • (optional) required (default: false)
    If set to true, the validation fails if it's empty.
  • (optional) wide (default: false)
    If set to true, the label and the textarea are displayed in two separate rows. It is recommended to use this option if the label text is very long.
  • (optional) placeholder
    Can be used to show a placeholder text inside the textfield.
  • (optional) instructor
    Gives the opportunity to give nodes to the instructors. This information is only visible for users with the role 'instructor' or 'admin'

Example output:

{{< input-textarea
    label="This is a long label for the subsequent textfield"
    placeholder="Please enter the answer"
    instructor="Here is the note for the instructor"

(input-select): a dropdown selection box with pre-filled choices
{{< input-select label="Select label" options="a; b; c" [options] >}}


  • label
    Label for the respective selection.
  • options
    Must be given as a semi-colon-separated list.
  • (optional) default (default="-- please select --")
    Defines the pre-selected option.
  • (optional) required (default: false)
    If set to true, the validation fails if it's empty.
  • (optional) wide (default: false)
    If set to true, the label and the selection are displayed in two separate rows. It is recommended to use this option if the label text is very long.
  • (optional) instructor
    Gives the opportunity to give nodes to the instructors. This information is only visible for users with the role 'instructor' or 'admin'

Example output:

{{< input-select
    label="Selectfield label"
    options="Low; Medium; High"

(input-radio): a single choice select list
{{< input-radio label="Radio Select label" options="a; b; c" [options] >}}


  • label
    Label for the respective textfield.
  • (optional) required (default: false)
    If set to true, the validation fails if it's empty.
  • (optional) wide (default: false)
    If set to true, the label and the textfield are displayed in two separate rows. It is recommended to use this option if the label text is very long.
  • (optional) instructor
    Gives the opportunity to give nodes to the instructors. This information is only visible for users with the role 'instructor' or 'admin'

Example output:

{{< input-radio
    label="Example Radio Select"
    options="Strongly Agree (5); Agree (4); Neither Agree nor Disagree (3); Disagree (2); Strongly Disagree (1)"
    wide=true >}}

(input-checkboxes): a multi-choice select list
{{< input-checkboxes label="Radio Select label" options="a; b; c" [options] >}}


  • label
    Label for the respective textfield.
  • (optional) required (default: false)
    If set to true, the validation fails if it's empty.
  • (optional) wide (default: false)
    If set to true, the label and the textfield are displayed in two separate rows. It is recommended to use this option if the label text is very long.
  • (optional) instructor
    Gives the opportunity to give nodes to the instructors. This information is only visible for users with the role 'instructor' or 'admin'

Example output:

{{< input-checkboxes
    label="Example Checkbox Select"
    options="Strongly Agree (5); Agree (4); Neither Agree nor Disagree (3); Disagree (2); Strongly Disagree (1)"
    wide=true >}}

(input-table): a editable table
{{< input-table [options] >}}


Surround a markdown table with the respective shortcode. Empty cells will be editable. If autoextend is activated, the table will delete empty rows and ensure there is a new empty last row.


  • autoextend (default: false)
    If set to true, the table automatically adds new rows if there is no empty last row.

Example output:

{{% input-table autoextend=true %}}
| Header1: Left   |         Header2: Center          |   Header3: Right |
| :-------------- | :------------------------------: | ---------------: |
| lorem ipsum ... | lorem ipsum ...                  |  lorem ipsum ... |
| lorem ipsum ... |                                  |                  |
{{% /input-table %}}

(input-drawio): a diagram input
{{< drawio src="srv.svg" >}}


First go to draw.io and create the template that should be used by the participants. Go to file - save as - select typ: editable svg and save it in the respective directory.


  • label
    Label for the respective exercise.

Example output:

{{< drawio src="example.drawio.svg" >}}

(input-file): an element to allow participants to upload a file
{{< input-file label="Uploader" [options] >}}


  • label
    Label for the respective textarea.
  • (optional) required (default: false)
    If set to true, the validation fails if it's empty.
  • (optional) wide (default: false)
    If set to true, the label and the textarea are displayed in two separate rows. It is recommended to use this option if the label text is very long.

Example output:

(input-risk): A risk calculation for computer security exercises

A special type of input is the risk input. This consists of 3 components that are automatically integrated. The risk field is calculated automatically depending on what is selected in the other two fields.

{{< input-risk [options] >}}


  • (optional) likelihood_label (default="Likelihood")
    Label for the respective likelihood selection.
  • (optional) likelihood_options (default="1 - Remote; 2 - Unlikely; 3 - Possible; 4 - Likely; 5 - Certain")
  • (optional) impact_label (default="Impact")
    Label for the respective impact selection.
  • (optional) impact_options (default="1 - Trivial; 2 - Minor; 3 - Moderate; 4 - Major; 5 - Critical")
  • (optional) risk_label (default="Risk as (L x I)")
    Label for the respective risk textfield.
  • (optional) wide (default: false)
    If set to true, the label and the selection are displayed in two separate rows. It is recommended to use this option if the label text is very long.

Example output:

{{< input-risk >}}

(input-comment): A textbox to collect feedback on the Content Page

A special type of input is the comment input. There are no arguments for the comment input, rather it triggers Learners to render an input box that prompts a course participant to fill in feedback on the specific Content Page.

{{< input-comment >}}

Example output:

Delivering Courses

The primary benefit to delivering courses with Learners is the ability to control the learning environment and review pariticpant progress live. Users granted the admin role will find a special section within Learners upon login. This admin area, designed to support course delivery, is split across several views and allows authorised users to manage course elements, the overall participant experience, and review any submissions from participants in the course.

Submissions Overview

The Submissions Overview gathers each user's responses for every exercise. Admins can easily choose any submission to review the participant's answers, download any attatched files, or preview submitted draw.io diagrams.



The Exercises page provides a summary of submissions for each task within an exercise, differentiating between individual and group activities. It helps in monitoring participant progress and coordinating effectively during extended exercises. For example, instructors can be notified to help participants who are delayed in submitting their responses within the planned timeframe, or to unobtrusively address errors identified in participant responses. Addressing these mistakes promptly can prevent them from impacting the participants' experience in later parts of the exercise or the course.



The Pages view allows toggling the visibility of Exercises, Presentations, and Documentation. This can be useful when developing courses where presentations and exercises are designed to progressively build on one and other. In such courses, answers to earlier questions are provided or become evident in subsequent course materials. Similarly, certain exercises may include a series of stages or 'injects' that are revealed to participants as the simulated exercise progresses.



The notifications page permits administrators to send messages to individual users, groups, or specific roles. These notifications can be pre-set in the Learner's config.yml file or added by an administrator during a course. They appear as pop-up alerts on the recipients' view of the Learners website. This feature is particularly valuable for informing participants about logistical details of the course or for delivering injects during an exercise.



The Questionnaire page enables course administrators to send multiple-choice questions that appear on the participants' screens and gather their responses. Administrators can dispatch questions that are pre-defined in the course materials' frontmatter, monitor the progress of participant submissions, and subsequently present the results in a pie chart format.

Questionnaire page:

User pop-up:

Admin response review:


The feedback page collects all feedback on course materials and categorises them on a per-material basis. Reviewing submissions allows instructors to address any errors or misunderstandings of the course material. Instructors can deliver this immediately during the course, anonymously based on the feedback received, rather than requesting participants to comment verbally on each module.



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO License.