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Demographic info has all the information of the test subject. The bar chart shows the number of different microbial units living in the sample. And the Bubble chart below has that graphed to show scale.
The following data includes an animal study of mice and tumor growth given certain drug regimens. The goal with the data was to prove which drug regimens were successful in slowing or stopping tumor growth. Here I pull the CSV file into python and convert them to a data frame. Using the ETL process to clean up any null datapoints or mislabeled columns. I generated a technical report showing what drug regimen was successful and how successful it was compared to the others.
Take health data from JSON format and present it in visualizations on a website.
Analyze the data from the Citibike website and see if there are any correlations with the customers and the growth over the years.
Use the sql alchemy engine to convert CSV file into data frames and visualize the data. Results of the code are in the images folder. Resources holds the CSV files and the climate_starter is opened through jupyter notebook to run the data.
Organized old csv files into new tables/databases through python and postgres SQL database.
The data given is from different Kickstarter campaigns. It shows which ones were successful, and how much money they raised compared to their goal. The purpose of this app was to clean up the data, organize it in rows, and highlight the successful and unsuccessful campaigns. This was done through filtering, creating rules and pivot tables.
Nasa-Website-Data-Scrape-from-Mars is used to host the index.html. This communicates with the jupyter notebook file mission_to_mars.ipynb. Images are available in the images folder.
Convert CSV into data frames to then analyze different statistics within schools in a certain district. There are several different summaries that were created to find what types of schools and in which district had better scores based on spending and other factors. The final result was that spending didn’t necessarily result in higher test scores, but charter schools had a much higher passing rate than public schools.
Take UFO data.js and translate it into a searchable function within a website using javascript
mitch1234524's Repositories
Demographic info has all the information of the test subject. The bar chart shows the number of different microbial units living in the sample. And the Bubble chart below has that graphed to show scale.
The following data includes an animal study of mice and tumor growth given certain drug regimens. The goal with the data was to prove which drug regimens were successful in slowing or stopping tumor growth. Here I pull the CSV file into python and convert them to a data frame. Using the ETL process to clean up any null datapoints or mislabeled columns. I generated a technical report showing what drug regimen was successful and how successful it was compared to the others.
Take health data from JSON format and present it in visualizations on a website.
Analyze the data from the Citibike website and see if there are any correlations with the customers and the growth over the years.
Use the sql alchemy engine to convert CSV file into data frames and visualize the data. Results of the code are in the images folder. Resources holds the CSV files and the climate_starter is opened through jupyter notebook to run the data.
Organized old csv files into new tables/databases through python and postgres SQL database.
The data given is from different Kickstarter campaigns. It shows which ones were successful, and how much money they raised compared to their goal. The purpose of this app was to clean up the data, organize it in rows, and highlight the successful and unsuccessful campaigns. This was done through filtering, creating rules and pivot tables.
mitch1234524/Nasa-Website-Data-Scrape-from-Mars is used to host the index.html. This communicates with the jupyter notebook file mission_to_mars.ipynb. Images are available in the images folder.
Convert CSV into data frames to then analyze different statistics within schools in a certain district. There are several different summaries that were created to find what types of schools and in which district had better scores based on spending and other factors. The final result was that spending didn’t necessarily result in higher test scores, but charter schools had a much higher passing rate than public schools.
Take UFO data.js and translate it into a searchable function within a website using javascript
PyBank: The purpose here was to take the data from the CSV and generate a calculation. The calculation showed a financial analysis of a single company’s revenue and profitability over a number of months. You can find the result in budget_data.text. it shows, Total months open, total Revenue, average change in revenue, and greatest increase and decrease in profits. PyPoll: Here the purpose was to take all the votes and attribute the vote to a certain candidate to calculate a winner. The total, percentage of votes, and winner was all produced by this python app.
Take GeoJSON data and plot it onto a map using API from mapbox. This will show the updated list of earthquakes on a map along with the scale of the earthquake.
The data folder holds data.csv which has all of the data. The actual Javascript program code is in app.js. The website format is in HTML and is in index.html
Download University data and rank them in order of best university. We donloaded to seperate sources of data. One with the Top University rankings and another that has all of the tuition, fees, and enrollment data.
The Composite Index of Leading Indicators, otherwise known as the Leading Economic Index (LEI), is an index published monthly by The Conference Board. It is used to predict the direction of global economic movements in future months.
This data has just the open close and daily prices for each stock. The Goal was to create VBA functions that could make a yearly change, percent change and total stock volume based on just the daily prices. After creating that column, the app then takes the greatest % increase and decrease as well as the volume of the top ticker and puts it into a table.
The purpose of this exercise was to analyze the weather of each city and see how the weather changes as you get closer to the equator, as well as finding the best vacation spot with that data.