
javascript demo of pulling speed run summary info and outputting to the typical twitch profile format. Hope is eventually to enable speedrun.com uploads to push the changes to twitch themselves.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Proof of concept for tracking speedrun status on twitch for a given user

  1. Fetch speedrun data (https://github.com/speedruncom/api)
  2. Output in wiki style for Twitch panels including 2a. Time 2b. Link to pb video 2c. Game/category 2d. Link to category on speedrun.com 2e (optional). Wold record time and holder

Use: https://mitch3b.github.io/SpeedRunSummary/

TODO: Code Cleanup Dynamically updating twitch panels with the latest data (afaik not possible with current twitch api).