DMD Open-access Variant Explorer
Contributors: Mitch Bailey, Nicole Miller, Ivo Fokkema
The purpose of the DMD Open-Access Variant Explorer (DOVE) is to streamline analysis of genetic variants effecting the Dp427m (NM_004006.2) transcript of the DMD gene.
DOVE uses Python and the Django web framework to integrate existing open-access tools to reduce the number od distinct searches needed to analyse a variant, and to expand analysis beyond variants already well described (i.e. novel variants). In addition to predicted consequences of genetic variants, the tool integrates theoretical eligibility for exon skipping or read-through therapies.
Set up
Requires Python2.7, corresponding pip, virtualenv, Perl.
Clone/download dmd-interpreter then
to the dmd-interpreter directory. -
Create and activate the virtual environment:
virtualenv DOVE_env --python=python2.7 . DOVE_env/bin/activate
Download all dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run locally (suggestions/contributions are welcomed!):
./ runserver
Note: For static files to be served locally,
will need to beTRUE
. -
DOVE can now be tested through your browser. To deactivate:
deactivate exit
Installing DOVE on an Apache2 environment
Requires libapache2-mod-wsgi.
Edit Apache's .conf file for the site you wish to add DOVE to.
Add the following lines to your Apache config (don't forget to change the paths):
Alias /static /var/www/dmd-interpreter/interpreter/static <Directory /var/www/dmd-interpreter/interpreter/static> Require all granted </Directory> <Directory /var/www/dmd-interpreter/interpreter_site> <Files> Require all granted </Files> </Directory> WSGIDaemonProcess DOVE python-home=/var/www/dmd-interpreter/DOVE_env home=/var/www/dmd-interpreter WSGIProcessGroup DOVE WSGIScriptAlias /DOVE /var/www/dmd-interpreter/interpreter_site/
Make sure Apache has rights to write to the temp file (interpreter/temp.txt) and the triage html file (interpreter/templates/triage.html).
Restart Apache to complete the process.
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