- Todoist Windows app has some decent issues and less than great dependencies.
- WPF Native browser control (supports high DPI to soom just hit control + plus to zoom)
- Windows keyboard shortcut support for adding tasks/bringing to front
- Allows adding of additional javascript/css to the page (to have your code after full load add a js function called UserOnLoaded)
- Outlook email links
- Support for arbitrary link patterns in code
- Extension support for custom handling, custom formatting, and custom protocol recognition (for example onenote: link support!). See SampleExtensions\Readme.md for details.
- Install app (can run standalone in a folder as portable also, its just a rar archive as an exe), setup binary can be found at: https://github.com/mitchcapper/wpfdoist/releases
- You can install by using the setup exe under releases.
- Double click it, it will ask for a temporary folder to copy the install files to and will then run setup.
- Once it installs you can find it in your start menu under WPFDoist.
- Primarily designed for Windows 8 / IE10 or newer (but may work on older editions)
- For first launch after install be sure to restart the app after starting it, as it must set compatibility settings for the browser
- Just login to the browser frame for the first load (should not have to do every start)
- Options are accessible by right clicking on the systray icon
- Browser controls work as normal IE, you can use control +/- to zoom
- Keyboard shortcut to bring to front/add task: (defaults to control+shift+t)
- You can change the data directory from the c:\users\appdata.... to any folder you want by setting the registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WPFDoist\DataDir (string) to whatever you like (ie r:\wpfdoist_shared)
- Note while this works with outlook email links it only works with the official email ID. This ID changes when the email changes folders.
- Primarily tested with outlook 2013/2016 and windows 8.1/10.
- The apps IE compat mode will not be set right on first launch (so exit and re-launch the very first time to get the browser to behave right).
- Rarely (maybe slow load?) the extensions are not properly loaded. I am not yet sure why this happens, but waiting seems to fix it (you can also right click on the systray and reload otherwise).
- If you get the error when running setup of: "You cannot start application WPFDoist from this location because it is already installed from a different location." It is because the installer is at a different location from where you last installed from (yay one click installers) to fix just uninstall from add/remove programs before re-running the installer. You will not lose your settings or user data folder.