A list of Student Organizations at Olin, also club charters. To contact any club or organization, contact the current Director of Clubs and Organizations, Joe Sutker, at joe@students.olin.edu.
These groups are funded by the Committee for Clubs and Organizations (CCO) in the 2015-2016 school year.
- Adventure Club
- Aero
- Art Club
- Art in Action!
- Art With Heart (AwH)
- Babson-Olin Catholic Association (BOCA)
- Badminton Club
- BOW Climbing Organization (BCO)
- Breakfast and NPR
- Chainmail and a Movie
- Cheese Club
- Competitive Programming Club
- Computing Conversations
- Creative Cartography Club
- Curb Club
- Franklin W. Olin Cyber Defenders (FWOCD)
- Cultural Conversations
- Danger, Adventure, Nerds, and Knitting Club (DANK)
- Design For America (DFA)
- Dungeons and Dragons Club (DnD)
- Earth and Table (EaT)
- Filmmakers Unite Now! (FUN)
- Franklin W. Olin Players (FWOP)
- German Club
- Glass Club
- Greening Olin GO Bikes!
- Ink, Inc
- Jewish Organization at Olin (JOO)
- Kitchen Club
- League of Legends at Olin (LoLin)
- Midnight Mathematicians
- Midnight Riders
- Net Impact
- Olin Christian Fellowship (OCF)
- Olin Fire Arts Club (OFAC)
- Olin Indian Club
- Olin Model United Nations (OMUN)
- Olin Performance Improv Und Magick (OPIUM)
- Olin Rock Orchestra (ORO)
- Olin Weekend Warriors (OWW)
- Outing Club (OC)
- Pool Club
- PowerChords
- Sailing Club
- Skate Club
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- South Park Club
- Speak.
- Splendiferous Sixpenny Steampunk Society (Ssss)
- Stay Late and Create (SLAC)
- Taboo
- Taiwanese Association at Olin (TAO)
- Tea on Three (T3)
- Totally Awesome and Ridiculous Doctor-Inspired Stuff (TARDIS)
- UV Club
- Volleyball Club
- Weapons Handling and Combat Kakistocracy (Fencing Club) (WHACK)
- Yoga/Meditation Group
- The Foundry
- Engineering Discovery (eDisco)
- Grand Challenge Scholars' Program (GCSP)
- Soccer (men's and women's)
- Ultimate (men's and women's)
- Phoenix Racing (Baja)
- Olin Robotic Sailing (ORS)
- Research in Electric Vehicles at Olin (REVO)
- Human-Powered Vehicles (HPV)
- Robotics Research @ Olin (Olin Intelligent Vehicles Lab)
- Council of Olin Representatives (CORe)
- Honor Board (HB)
- Student Activities Committee (SAC)
- Committee for Clubs and Organizations (CCO)
- Supporting, Encouraging, and Recognizing Volunteerism (SERV)
- Various CORe Committees