
An in-depth analysis of isEven solutions in JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm version Standard - JavaScript Style Guide

Useless module with poorly written tests. isEven. JavaScript

Getting Started

npm install --save modulous-two
const isEven = require('modulous-two')('simple')

const test1 = isEven(2) // true
const test2 = isEven(3) // false


I got motivation to do this quick project because of all of the solutions that r/ProgrammerHumor had for determining if a number is even or odd. So I came up with as many solutions as I could to try to find the fastest possible solution to this problem in JavaScript. Test results are posted below for those interested in the numbers behind each test and which modules performed best. I tried a few other solutions that didn't make it here like neural network training, referring to stackoverflow, and other npm modules. I also started this repo for practice with git, github, and NPM publishing.

I wanted to go a bit further than the traditional format:

// traditional.js
function isEven (number) {
  return number % 2 === 0

I have tested the fastest, as well as the most accurate solutions to the problem. The fastest solution is what I call 'simple' and it looks like this:

// simple.js
const isEven = n => !(~~n & 1)

This solution, however, is only accurate with numbers and fails all edges cases that were defined


  • NodeJS


Here are the steps to get you started in exploring this useless module:

Start by installing it via Npm:

npm install --save modulous-two

Or via Yarn:

yarn add modulous-two

Then in your JavaScript file, require the factory like so:

// Require the factory to select module to use
const modTwo = require('modulous-two')

const isEven = modTwo('simple')

console.log(isEven(2)) // true
console.log(isEven(3)) // false



Test Results



Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://gist.github.com/PurpleBooth/b24679402957c63ec426) for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.



See the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

To do

  • Create contributing.md to allow others to submit their solutions
  • Lint, clean up, and improve all current solutions
  • Create better testing
  • Add results of tests to README or maybe RESULTS.md


In the future, I plan on maybe creating these solutions in different languages or applying similar testing techniques to common sorting alogrithms to determine what alogrithms are best for each scenario as well as how they are coded.
