
Functions and abstractions for random variables and vectors.

Primary LanguagePython


alea is a Python package that provides a way to succinctly model random variables.

Using fairly simplistic notation, you can construct complex, dependent random variables, calculate an arbitrary random variable's mean, variance, and moments, and more. See below for a full features list.

Why Use This?

The concept of a random variable is central to the field of probability theory; informally, a random variable is a mapping from the possible outcomes of a probabilistic phenomenon to real numbers. Random variables are important because they allow arbitrary values to be assigned to the results of an uncertain action, and the interpretation of these values can influence whether or not that action is considered desirable. Observe the following scenario.

Say you are a hedge fund or institutional investor making bets on whether a stock will rise or not. You determine that Stock A will rise to a certain level with 40% probability, stay the same with 30% probability, and fall with 30% probability. Stock B follows the same distribution and will rise and fall independently of Stock A. You're offered separate but identical options contracts for A and B, where if the stock rises, you make $1000 in profit, but if not, you pay $150, the premium on the contract. If you were to buy these contracts repeatedly on different days, on average, how much money would you expect to make?

With alea, you could model this scenario pretty easily:

from alea.discrete import RootDiscreteRandVar

A = RootDiscreteRandVar({1000, -150}, lambda x : 0.4 if x == 1000 else 0.6)
B = RootDiscreteRandVar({1000, -150}, lambda x : 0.4 if x == 1000 else 0.6)
earnings = A + B

Alternatively, you could represent this as:

from alea.discrete import BinomialRandVar

earnings = BinomialRandVar(4, 0.4) * 1150 - 150

What if the scenario changes?

Now, the hedge fund is levered. If a fund is levered, this means that it is borrowing money from a bank or another fund at a certain ratio. For example, if a fund is levered 6:1, it is borrowing $6 for every $1 it owns. Leverage allows a fund to potentially multiply gains or losses. Say that your hedge fund on any day is levered either at a 4:1, 5:1, or 6:1 ratio independently of any positions you are taking. What's your earnings average now?

from alea.discrete import UniformDiscreteRandVar

L = UniformDiscreteRandVar({4, 5, 6})
levered_earnings = (L + 1) * earnings

In this sense, alea is very powerful tool because it simplifies calculations of important concepts tied to random variables. You can construct random variables using easy-to-understand abstractions & natural queries.

Features List

  • Arbitrary discrete random variables modelling an experiment
  • Special discrete random variables: Bernoulli, Binomial, Uniform distributions
  • Addition of two discrete random variables
  • Multiplication of two discrete random variables
  • Exponentation of a discrete random variable to an integer value
  • A unary function applied to a discrete random variable
  • Theoretical mean, variance of a discrete random variable
  • Sample mean, variance of a discrete random variable
  • Randomly sampling a discrete random variable and its children
  • Covariance calculation between two random variables
  • Random vectors containing arbitrarily related random variables
  • Discrete random vectors with joint probability distributions
  • Covariance matrix and theoretical mean of a random vector
  • Cross-covariance matrix between two random vectors

See the issues section for future enhancements.


alea will be made available on PyPI sometime in the future when it is more mature. API documentation will also be included.


To test alea locally, ensure that the following tools are installed:

  • Python 3.7+
  • pipenv
  • pytest

After cloning this repository, run the following commands:

cd alea
pipenv install
pipenv run pytest

This will run all unit tests in the tests directory.