Account Management Script for use with Mail-In-A-Box

This is a flat-file database style, PHP Script that allows a user access to create accounts on your MIAB server.

Install instructions

Please be sure you install php-curl module for php before trying to use the script

  1. copy config.example.php to config.php and change what you need in there. Make sure to create the directory for the db_location if needed.
  2. open a browser and run install.php
  3. Then login with admin and password

Make sure to change your password when you login.

Disable registration

To disable, just change the appropriate configuration option in config.php.

Special Notes

  • The last user in a domain will not be allowed to be deleted. So if you only see one user in the list, but no delete button, this is NORMAL.
  • Recommend that the db_location directory NOT be publicly accessible, place it where the webserver can edit it, but not were it can serve it.