A project from Colt Steele's 2021 Web Development Course. A RESTful Node.js with full CRUD. Inspired by Yelp, users can create/edit/delete campgrounds, leave reviews, and view elegant, interactive campground maps.
- Users can be authenticated and authorized to protect editing and deletion of reviews and campgrounds.
- Elegant cluster and satellite maps via Mapbox can be interacted with to view campgrounds locally or globally.
- Images may be uploaded/deleted through the use of Cloudinary – a cloud-based image service.
- Users may leave reviews that mimic yelp; a 5-star rating system with titles and text body.
- Campgrounds, reviews, and users can be registered and posted to the site and stored safely and securely in MongoDB.
- Data protection and security strongholding through the use of Helmet.
- Implementing multiple moving parts into a full-sized, scaled project.
- Blending front-end web development with Node.js, Express, Mongoose, and MongoDB Atlas.
- Downloading, requiring, and executing npm packaging.
- Error handling and routing.
- Running into roadblocks/bugs and troubleshooting and debugging.