
Go based utility to dump AWS DynamoDB tables

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

AWS DynamoDB Table Dump and Restore

Build Status

This utility performs a full scan of an AWS DynamoDB table and outputs each row as a JSON object, storing the dump either on disk or in an S3 bucket.

It supports rate-limiting to a specified average read or write capacity and parallel requests to achieve high throughput.

The underlying Go library can also be imported into other projects to provide dump/load facilities.


Binaries are available for Linux, Solaris, Windows and Mac for the latest release.


Install Go and run go get github.com/gwatts/dyndump.

Utility Usage

AWS credentials required to connect to DynamoDB must be passed in using environment variables, or will be loaded from ~/.aws/credentials or using EC2 metadata.


The dyndump program supports four commands:


Dumps an entire DynamoDB table to file or an S3 bucket.

Usage: dyndump dump [--silent] [--no-progress] [-cmpr] [--filename | --stdout] [(--s3-bucket --s3-prefix)] TABLENAME

Dump a table to file or S3

  TABLENAME=""   Table name to dump from Dynamo

  -c, --consistent-read=false   Enable consistent reads (at 2x capacity use)
  -f, --filename=""             Filename to write data to.
  --stdout=false                If true then send the output to stdout
  -m, --maxitems=0              Maximum number of items to dump.  Set to 0 to process all items
  -p, --parallel=5              Number of concurrent channels to open to DynamoDB
  -r, --read-capacity=5         Average aggregate read capacity to use for scan (set to 0 for unlimited)
  --s3-bucket=""                S3 bucket name to upload to
  --s3-prefix=""                Path prefix to use to store data in S3 (eg. "backups/2016-04-01-12:25-")
  --silent=false                Set to true to disable all non-error output
  --no-progress=false           Set to true to disable the progress bar


Loads a previous dump from file or S3 into an existing DynamoDB table

Usage: dyndump load [--silent] [--no-progress] [-mpw] (--filename | --stdin | (--s3-bucket --s3-prefix)) TABLENAME

Load a table dump from S3 or file to a DynamoDB table

  TABLENAME=""   Table name to load into

  --allow-overwrite=false   Set to true to overwrite any existing rows
  -f, --filename=""         Filename to read data from.  Set to "-" for stdin
  --stdin=false             If true then read the dump data from stdin
  -m, --maxitems=0          Maximum number of items to load.  Set to 0 to process all items
  -p, --parallel=4          Number of concurrent channels to open to DynamoDB
  -w, --write-capacity=5    Average aggregate write capacity to use for load (set to 0 for unlimited)
  --s3-bucket=""            S3 bucket name to read from
  --s3-prefix=""            Path prefix to use to read data from S3 (eg. "backups/2016-04-01-12:25-")
  --silent=false            Set to true to disable all non-error output
  --no-progress=false       Set to true to disable the progress bar


Retrieves and displays metadata about a dump stored in S3

Usage: dyndump info --s3-bucket --s3-prefix

Display backup metadata from an S3 backup

  --s3-bucket=""   S3 bucket name to read from
  --s3-prefix=""   Path prefix to use to read data from S3 (eg. "backups/2016-04-01-12:25-")


Deletes an entire dump from S3 matching a specified prefix.

Usage: dyndump delete [--silent] [--no-progress] --s3-bucket --s3-prefix [--force]

Delete a backup from S3

  --s3-bucket=""        S3 bucket name to delete from
  --s3-prefix=""        Path prefix to use to delete from S3 (eg. "backups/2016-04-01-12:25-")
  --force=false         Set to true to disable the delete prompt
  --silent=false        Set to true to disable all non-error output
  --no-progress=false   Set to true to disable the progress bar

Output Format

JSON is emitted as a stream of objects, one per item in the canonical format used by the DynamoDB API. Each object has a key for each field name with a value object holding the type and field value. Eg

          "string-field": {"S": "string value"},
          "number-field": {"N": "123"}

The following types are defined by the DynamoDB API:

  * S - String
  * N - Number (encoded in JSON as a string)
  * B - Binary (a base64 encoded string)
  * BOOL - Boolean
  * NULL - Null
  * SS - String set
  * NS - Number set
  * BS - Binary set
  * L - List
  * M - Map


See the godoc documentation for the github.com/gwatts/dyndump/dyndump library to integrate the library into your own projects.