- 1
attribute 'utils' missing in flake template
#23 opened by pizzapim - 3
Custom `BootTidal.hs` is ignored
#20 opened by rrrnld - 0
sclang input prompt
#19 opened by ovitus - 1
- 1
No sound
#18 opened by locallycompact - 4
Work out how to provide SuperDirt quark (and its dependencies) to `scide` out of the box
#3 opened by mitchmindtree - 0
Old glibc
#17 opened by puffnfresh - 3
`gtk` modules fail to load.
#15 opened by zmrocze - 0
mac support
#16 opened by yihuang - 0
Integration into neovim
#13 opened by jordanisaacs - 2
Add an option for automatically running SuperDirt for the duration that the `devShell` is active
#8 opened by mitchmindtree - 0
Provide a nix flake template that simplifies self-contained tidal project setup
#5 opened by mitchmindtree - 0
- 0
- 0
Allow for configuring SuperDirt startup
#2 opened by mitchmindtree