
This is a bot that interacts with Twitter's Streaming API to reply to automatically reply to a user's posts

Primary LanguagePython

Donald J Trump @reelDonnyDrumpf

This bot interacts with Twitter's Streaming API and automatically replies to a user's posts within seconds.

How It Works

In order to view tweets in real-time, use Tweepy as a wrapper for Twitter's Streaming API

Twitter assigns a unique numerical ID to every user and every tweet.

The stream object's filter can be set to a user's ID; this will only display tweets by or tagging that user's account.

This script can be set to filter on several users by adding multiple IDs to the twitterID list.

Reference resources such as TweeterID to retrieve user IDs.

To filter content to only tweets by the user, incoming user IDs are parsed and compared to the desired user ID.

Once this is done, the user's latest 200 tweets are scraped from their timeline and packed into a string variable.

These tweets are fed into markovify in order to generate a new tweet.

The tweet is then sent as a reply to the user's most recent post.

What's trump.sh?

Scripts that use Twitter's Streaming API don't stop running.

I don't want to run these types of script as a cronjob becuause I'll end up with a ton of proccesses running the same script simultaneously - probably sending too many tweets and potentially locking the account.

trump.sh is a bash script that I set up as a cron job on my server to check if trump.py is still running.

If the bot is running, it exits. If the bot is not running it starts the bot. Simple.