Barcode Generator (QR Code)

barcode-generator is a simple CLI barcode generator that generates a QR code and saves it, as a PNG file, to a specified directory.

For my purposes, I wanted to generate QR codes for my barcodes. If you'd like to explore other barcode types check out boombuler/barcode which is the library used to generate the barcodes.

This tool also uses the addLabel() function which adds a label to the barcode. This is useful for adding a human-readable label to the barcode, in the event the barcode is damaged, or unreadable for some reason.


Note: The input given will be trimmed of any whitespace.

barcode-generator <input> <output-directory>


barcode-generator "ABC-123456" .

This will generate a barcode with the text "ABC-123456" and save it to ./barcode-ABC-123456.png:


Multiple Barcodes

You can also provide a comma-separated list of barcodes to generate multiple barcodes at once.

barcode-generator "ABC-123456,DEF-789012,GHI-345678" .