kubevirt qemu arg appender sidecar

Simple sidecar based on kubevirt hook example.

The sidecar appends qemu args to the end of the qemu commanline in libvirt xml.

That is it.

Ensure kubevirt feature gate Sidecar is enabled prior to use.

e.g. something like so if not:

[ ! kubectl get kubevirt -n harvester-system -o json | jq -r '.items[].spec.configuration.developerConfiguration.featureGates[]' | grep Sidecar ] && kubectl patch kubevirt -n harvester-system --type "json" -p '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/configuration/developerConfiguration/FeatureGates/-","value":"Sidecar"}]'

Annotations needed to make this work are:

apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
kind: VirtualMachine
        harvesterhci.io/sshNames: '[]'
        # Request the hook sidecar
        hooks.kubevirt.io/hookSidecars: '[{"image": "ghcr.io/mitchty/kubevirt-sidecar:main"}]'
        # Annotation with space delimited string of args to be added
        qemuargs.vm.kubevirt.io/args: -fw_cfg name=opt/ovmf/X-PciMmio64Mb,string=65536