
A Juju Charm for Postgresql

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


excerpt from http://www.postgresql.org/about/

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. It has more than 15 years of active development and a proven architecture that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity, and correctness. It is fully ACID compliant, has full support for foreign keys, joins, views, triggers, and stored procedures (in multiple languages). It includes most SQL:2008 data types, including INTEGER, NUMERIC, BOOLEAN, CHAR, VARCHAR, DATE, INTERVAL, and TIMESTAMP. It also supports storage of binary large objects, including pictures, sounds, or video. It has native programming interfaces for C/C++, Java, .Net, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl, ODBC, among others, and exceptional documentation.

An enterprise class database, PostgreSQL boasts sophisticated features such as Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC), point in time recovery, tablespaces, asynchronous replication, nested transactions (savepoints), online/hot backups, a sophisticated query planner/optimizer, and write ahead logging for fault tolerance. It supports international character sets, multibyte character encodings, Unicode, and it is locale-aware for sorting, case-sensitivity, and formatting. It is highly scalable both in the sheer quantity of data it can manage and in the number of concurrent users it can accommodate. There are active PostgreSQL systems in production environments that manage in excess of 4 terabytes of data.


This charm supports several deployment models:

  • A single service containing one unit. This provides a 'standalone' environment.

  • A service containing multiple units. One unit will be a 'master', and every other unit is a 'hot standby'. The charm sets up and maintains replication for you, using standard PostgreSQL streaming replication.

To setup a single 'standalone' service::

juju deploy postgresql pg-a

Scale Out Usage

To replicate this 'standalone' database to a 'hot standby', turning the existing unit into a 'master'::

juju add-unit pg-a

To deploy a new service containing a 'master' and two 'hot standbys'::

juju deploy -n 2 postgresql pg-b
[ ... wait until units are stable ... ]
juju add-unit pg-b

You can remove units as normal. If the master unit is removed, failover occurs and the most up to date 'hot standby' is promoted to 'master'. The 'db-relation-changed' and 'db-admin-relation-changed' hooks are fired, letting clients adjust::

juju remove-unit pg-b/0

To setup a client using a PostgreSQL database, in this case a vanilla Django installation listening on port 8080::

juju deploy postgresql
juju deploy python-django
juju deploy gunicorn
juju add-relation python-django postgresql:db
juju add-relation python-django gunicorn
juju expose python-django

Known Limitations and Issues

⚠ Due to current limitations with juju, you cannot reliably create a service initially containing more than 2 units (eg. juju deploy -n 3 postgresql). Instead, you must first create a service with 2 units. Once the environment is stable and all the hooks have finished running, you may add more units.

⚠ Do not attempt to relate client charms to a PostgreSQL service containing multiple units unless you know the charm supports a replicated service.

⚠ To host multiple units on a single server, you must use an lxc container.

Interacting with the Postgresql Service

At a minimum, you just need to join a the db relation, and a user and database will be created for you. For more complex environments, you can provide the database name allowing multiple services to share the same database. A client may also wish to defer its setup until the unit name is listed in allowed-units, to avoid attempting to connect to a database before it has been authorized.

The db-admin relation may be used similarly to the db relation. The automatically generated user for db-admin relations is a PostgreSQL superuser.

Database Permissions and Disaster Recovery

⚠ These two topics are entwined, because failing to follow best practice with your database permissions will make your life difficult when you need to recover after failure.

Always set the 'roles' relationship setting when joining a relationship. Always grant permissions to database roles for all database objects your charm creates. Never rely on access permissions given directly to a user, either explicitly or implicitly (such as being the user who created a table). Consider the users you are provided by the PostgreSQL charm as ephemeral. Any rights granted directly to them will be lost if relations are recreated, as the generated usernames will be different. If you don't follow this advice, you will need to manually repair permissions on all your database objects after any of the available recovery mechanisms.

Learn about the SQL GRANT statement in the excellect PostgreSQL reference guide.


If you are using external storage provided by the block storage broker, recovery or a failed unit is simply a matter of ensuring the old unit is fully shut down, and then bringing up a fresh unit with the old external storage mounted. The charm will see the old database there and use it.

If you are unable or do not wish to to simply remount the same filesystem, you can of course copy all the data from the old filesystem to the new one before bringing up the new unit.


PostgreSQL dumps, such as those that can be scheduled in the charm, can be recovered on a new unit by using 'juju ssh' to connect to the new unit and using the standard PostgreSQL pg_restore(1) tool. This new unit must be standalone, or the master unit. Any hot standbys will replicate the recovered data from the master.

You will need to use pg_restore(1) with the --no-owner option, as users that existed in the old service will not exist in the new service.


If you had configured WAL-E, you can recover a WAL-E backup and replay to a point in time of your choosing using the wal-e tool. This will recover the whole database cluster, so all databases will be replaced.

If there are any hot standby units, they will need to be destroyed and recreated after the PITR recovery.

During db-relation-joined

the client service provides:

  • database: Optional. The name of the database to use. The postgresql service will create it if necessary. If your charm sets this, then it must wait until a matching database value is presented on the PostgreSQL side of the relation (ie. relation-get database returns the value you set).
  • roles: Optional. A comma separated list of database roles to grant the database user. Typically these roles will have been granted permissions to access the tables and other database objects. Do not grant permissions directly to juju generated database users, as the charm may revoke them.
  • extensions: Optional. A comma separated list of required postgresql extensions.

During db-relation-changed

the postgresql service provides:

  • host: the host to contact.
  • database: a regular database.
  • port: the port PostgreSQL is listening on.
  • user: a regular user authorized to read the database.
  • password: the password for user.
  • state: 'standalone', 'master' or 'hot standby'.
  • allowed-units: space separated list of allowed clients (unit name). You should check this to determine if you can connect to the database yet.

During db-admin-relation-changed

the postgresql service provides:

  • host: the host to contact
  • port: the port PostgreSQL is listening on
  • user: a created super user
  • password: the password for user
  • state: 'standalone', 'master' or 'hot standby'
  • allowed-units: space separated list of allowed clients (unit name). You should check this to determine if you can connect to the database yet.

During syslog-relation-changed

the postgresql service provides:

  • programname: the syslog 'programname' identifying this unit's PostgreSQL logs.
  • log_line_prefix: the log_line_prefix setting for the PostgreSQL service.

For replicated database support

A PostgreSQL service may contain multiple units (a single master, and optionally one or more hot standbys). The client charm can tell which unit in a relation is the master and which are hot standbys by inspecting the 'state' property on the relation, and it needs to be aware of how many units are in the relation by using the 'relation-list' hook tool.

If there is a single PostgreSQL unit related, the state will be 'standalone'. All database connections of course go to this unit.

If there is more than one PostgreSQL unit related, the client charm must only use units with state set to 'master' or 'hot standby'. The unit with 'master' state can accept read and write connections. The units with 'hot standby' state can accept read-only connections, and any attempted writes will fail. Units with any other state must not be used and should be ignored ('standalone' units are new units joining the service that are not yet setup, and 'failover' state will occur when the master unit is being shutdown and a new master is being elected).

The client charm needs to watch for state changes in its relation-changed hook. New units may be added to a single unit service, and the client charm must stop using existing 'standalone' unit and wait for 'master' and 'hot standby' units to appear. Units may be removed, possibly causing a 'hot standby' unit to be promoted to a master, or even having the service revert to a single 'standalone' unit.

Example client hooks


import sys
from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
    Hooks, config, relation_set, relation_get,
    local_unit, related_units, remote_unit)

hooks = Hooks()
hook = hooks.hook

def db_relation_joined():
    relation_set('database', config('database'))  # Explicit database name
    relation_set('roles', 'reporting,standard')  # DB roles required

@hook('db-relation-changed', 'db-relation-departed')
def db_relation_changed():
    # Rather than try to merge in just this particular database
    # connection that triggered the hook into our existing connections,
    # it is easier to iterate over all active related databases and
    # reset the entire list of connections.
    conn_str_tmpl = "dbname={dbname} user={user} host={host} port={port}"
    master_conn_str = None
    slave_conn_strs = []
    for db_unit in related_units():
        if relation_get('database', db_unit) != config('database'):
            continue  # Not yet acknowledged requested database name.

        allowed_units = relation_get('allowed-units') or ''  # May be None
        if local_unit() not in allowed_units.split():
            continue  # Not yet authorized.

        conn_str = conn_str_tmpl.format(**relation_get(unit=db_unit)
        remote_state = relation_get('state', db_unit)

        if remote_state == 'standalone' and len(active_db_units) == 1:
            master_conn_str = conn_str
        elif relation_state == 'master':
            master_conn_str = conn_str
        elif relation_state == 'hot standby':

    update_my_db_config(master=master_conn_str, slaves=slave_conn_strs)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Upgrade-charm hook notes

The PostgreSQL charm has deprecated volume-map and volume-ephemeral-storage configuration options in favor of using the storage subordinate charm for general external storage management. If the installation being upgraded is using these deprecated options, there are a couple of manual steps necessary to finish migration and continue using the current external volumes. Even though all data will remain intact, and PostgreSQL service will continue running, the upgrade-charm hook will intentionally fail and exit 1 as well to raise awareness of the manual procedure which will also be documented in the juju logs on the PostgreSQL units.

The following steps must be additionally performed to continue using external volume maps for the PostgreSQL units once juju upgrade-charm is run from the command line:

  1. cat > storage.cfg <<EOF storage: provider:block-storage-broker root: /srv/data volume_map: "{postgresql/0: your-vol-id, postgresql/1: your-2nd-vol-id}" EOF
  2. juju deploy --config storage.cfg storage
  3. juju deploy block-storage-broker
  4. juju add-relation block-storage-broker storage
  5. juju resolved --retry postgresql/0 # for each postgresql unit running
  6. juju add-relation postgresql storage

Point In Time Recovery

The PostgreSQL charm has experimental support for log shipping and point in time recovery. This feature uses the wal-e2 tool, and requires access to Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure Block Storage or Swift. This feature is flagged as experimental because it has only been tested with Swift, and not yet been tested under load. It also may require some API changes, particularly on how authentication credentials are accessed when a standard emerges. The charm can be configured to perform regular filesystem backups and ship WAL files to the object store. Hot standbys will make use of the archived WAL files, allowing them to resync after extended netsplits or even let you turn off streaming replication entirely.

With a base backup and the WAL archive you can perform point in time recovery, but this is still a manual process and the charm does not yet help you do it. The simplest approach would be to create a new PostgreSQL service containing a single unit, 'juju ssh' in and use wal-e to replace the database after shutting it down, create a recovery.conf to replay the archived WAL files using wal-e, restart the database and wait for it to recover. Once recovered, new hot standby units can be added and client services related to the new database service.

To enable the experimental wal-e support with Swift, you will need to use Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty), and set the service configuration settings similar to the following::

    wal_e_storage_uri: swift://mycontainer
    os_username: my_swift_username
    os_password: my_swift_password
    os_auth_url: https://keystone.auth.url.example.com:8080/v2/
    os_tenant_name: my_tenant_name
    install_sources: |
        - ppa:stub/pgcharm
        - cloud:icehouse

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