
An automated book store scraper that collects data on book titles, authors, prices, and reviews from online book stores for comprehensive market analysis.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Book Store Scraper

The Book Store Scraper is a Python-based web scraping tool designed to extract information from book store websites. This project aims to provide a convenient way to gather details about books, prices, and other relevant data from various online bookstores.


  • Data Extraction: Retrieves book details such as title, author, price, and more.
  • Customizable: Adjustable settings for extracting specific information based on your requirements.
  • Output Formats: Save extracted data in various formats, such as JSON or CSV.


  • Python 3.8

  • Dependencies List -

  • Requests: HTTP library for making web requests.

    • Install: pip install requests
  • Beautiful Soup: HTML parsing library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files.

    • Install: pip install beautifulsoup4
  • Lxml: XML and HTML parsing library for Python.

    • Install: pip install lxml
  • Selenium: Browser automation tool for web scraping (useful for dynamic content).

    • Install: pip install selenium


  • Requests: The Requests library made it easy to handle HTTP requests in our scraper.

  • Beautiful Soup: Special thanks to Beautiful Soup for providing a powerful tool for HTML parsing in Python.

  • Lxml: Kudos to the Lxml library, which significantly enhanced XML and HTML parsing capabilities in our project.

  • Selenium: We appreciate the Selenium project for enabling browser automation, allowing us to scrape dynamically loaded content from Wikipedia pages.


Email : miteshgupta2711@gmail.com

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/mitesh-gupta/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/mg_mitesh