
Video Highlight generation using short time analysis and keyframe algorithm

Primary LanguagePython


Video highlight generator using key fram algorithm Python - For video summarization, Python offers several powerful libraries and technologies that can be leveraged to efficiently process and analyze video data.

Python Libraries tqdm - The tqdm library is a Python package that provides a progress bar interface for long-running operations, making it easier to monitor and track the progress of video summarization tasks. It is particularly useful when working with large video files or when performing computationally intensive operations. tqdm can be integrated with other libraries, such as OpenCV and MoviePy, to create custom video processing pipelines that can be optimized for performance and efficiency. OpenCV - It is a widely used open-source computer vision library that provides a range of tools and functions for image and video processing. With OpenCV, you can read, write, and manipulate video data, perform object detection and tracking, and extract features from video frames. OpenCV also provides a range of algorithms and techniques for video summarization, such as keyframe extraction and video segmentation. Other libraries like NumPy, librosa, and pandas can be used in conjunction with OpenCV to further enhance the video summarization process. NumPy is a powerful numerical computing library that provides fast and efficient operations on arrays and matrices, while librosa is a library for audio analysis and processing that can be used to extract audio features from video files. pandas is a data analysis library that provides powerful tools for data manipulation and analysis, making it ideal for working with large datasets of video data.