Favourite Location Tracker
Project is a web app that lets a user make a list of favorite locations. Users can add a favorite location to the list by selecting a location from the map and adding the details of that location. User can select the favorite location list of cards and can see the distance between his/her current location and favorite location.
The app is developed with ReactJs. Authentication is done by firebase and for location google maps are used. To render the map react-google-maps library used.
- Add your firebase config in
- Add your google map api key in
To get started developing right away:
- Install all project dependencies with
npm install
- Start the development server with
npm start
Type a command to directly run the development server:
npm install && npm start
App Structure
├── README.md - This file.
├── package.json # npm package manager file.
├── public
│ ├── favicon.ico # React Icon, You may change if you wish.
│ └── index.html # Index file
└── src
├── components
| ├── App # container components
| | ├── Home
| | | ├── Home.jsx #Home page contains maps and sidebar
| | | ├── Home.sass #Home sass file contains styles
| | ├── Maps # Contains Maps
| | | ├── Map.jsx #Map component that shows locations
| | | ├── SearchMap.jsx #Component to select the location from map
| | ├── SignIn
| | | ├── SignIn.jsx #Login component
| | ├── SignUp
| | | ├── SignUp.jsx #SignUp component
| ├── Ui #Contains reusable ui components
| | ├── Card
| | | ├── Card.jsx #Card component
| | | ├── MapCard.jsx #MapCard component to show the card on map
| | | ├── Card.sass #Card sass file contains styles
| | ├── Header
| | | ├── Header.jsx #Header component
| | ├── Modal
| | | ├── Modal.jsx #Modal component to add new location
| | | ├── Modal.sass #Modal component's styles
| | ├── SignUp
| | | ├── SignUp.jsx #SignUp component
├── helpers
| ├── auth.js # contains firebase login, signup, logout helper methods
├── services
| ├── firebase.js # firebase config file
├── utils
| ├── utils.js # contains commom functions that are used in the app
├── App.jsx # Contains authenticated routes
├── index.css # Global styles. You probably won't need to change anything here.
└── index.js # Index file
Register in the app if you have not registered else log in to the app by registered email and password.
Add your favorite location by click on Add New Location Button
- Type location name in the search box in the map then press enter
- Add you favorite location name
- Add details description of that place
- Click on Add Button and location is added to the list.
See the distance between your current location and favorite location.
- Click on any favorite location that you what to see the distance between your current location and that location.
- New Card is displayed on the map that shows details of selected card and distance.