
Primary LanguageRust

Main.rs: Hello World in Rust

This is a simple "Hello World" program written in Rust.

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, World!");

Devcontainer Configuration for Rust Development

The devcontainer.json file contains settings that define the development environment inside a Docker container. Some key specifications include:

  • The name of the container ("Rust")
  • Building the container from a Dockerfile in the current directory
  • Extensions to install in VS Code, such as rust-analyzer and aws-code-whisperer
  • Settings for rust-analyzer, such as enabling auto-reloading on cargo changes

This configuration facilitates opening the Rust project folder in a containerized development environment using the VS Code Codespaces.

How to Use this Configuration:

  1. Clone this repo and create a new Codespace configuration with dev containers in github.
  2. You can now develop inside the containerized environment.