
Ghost.py fork that focusses on running fast functional tests in Django.

Primary LanguagePython


Ghostrunner is a fork of ghost.py(https://github.com/jeanphix/Ghost.py); a webkit web client written in python. It was forked to suit our needs for a reliable fast browser tester that worked well with Django. Ghostrunner features:

  • Django LiveServerTestCase with transaction support (sqlite)
  • PyQT5 support, running a more recent, less buggy, QtWebkit version.

Ghostrunner requires PyQT5 to work properly. PySide still uses Qt4, which segfaults randomly during tests. This is probably related to an old version of QtWebkit.


Manual setup

  1. Install PyQt5
sudo pacman -S pyqt5-common python2-pyqt5 # archlinux
  1. Install ghostrunner from github and run some example tests
cd ~/projects
git clone git@github.com:wearespindle/ghostrunner.git

3a. Using virtualenv

cd ghostrunner/tests
virtualenv2 .
. ./bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# This is be required for virtualenv...
cp -R /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PyQt5 ./lib/python2.7/site-packages/
cp /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sip.so ./lib/python2.7/site-packages/
# Run the tests with an open X display.
GHOST_DISPLAY=1 ./manage.py test --verbosity=2

3b. Using docker

pacman -S xorg-xhost
docker-compose build
# Run with builtin xvfb
docker-compose run ghostrunner
# Run with the host's X11 server and a display window.
xhost +
docker-compose run ghostrunnerx11

This should run two simple tests. Documentation is a bit sparse for now. Checkout ghost.test.testcases for more information about the TestCase methods that ghostrunner provides.