
Code for the CoNLL 2021 paper "Modeling the Interaction Between Perception-Based and Production-Based Learning in Children’s Early Acquisition of Semantic Knowledge" by Mitja Nikolaus and Abdellah Fourtassi

Primary LanguagePython



An anaconda environment can be setup by using the environment.yml file:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate xsl


Download the data from the abstract scenes dataset and extract the files.

Afterwards, preprocess the images and sentences:

python preprocess.py --dataset-folder $PATH_TO_ABSTRACT_SCENES_DATA

Model Training and Evaluation

The training script can be used to train the ranking model and evaluate it every $LOG_FREQ iterations (default: 100). Checkpoints and semantic accuracies are saved to $CHECKPOINT_DIR. The frequency of production-based learning updates (reinforcement learning updates) can be modulated using $FREQ_RL_UPDATES (set to -1 for only RL, and to 0 for pure supervised learning).

python train_image_captioning.py --log-frequency $LOG_FREQ --out-checkpoints-dir $CHECKPOINT_DIR --frequency-rl-updates $FREQ_RL_UPDATES --fine-tune-resnet --eval-semantics --model show_and_tell

If you want to continue training from an existing checkpoint (e.g., for fine-tuning), you can indicate this checkpoint using the parameter --checkpoint $PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT.


This repo was built based on https://github.com/mitjanikolaus/cross-situational-learning-abstract-scenes