- ABOUT Olimex IoT Firmware for ESP8266
ABOUT Olimex IoT Firmware for ESP8266 implements JSON Based Web Server and Client.
The firmware is intended to be used by people with sufficient knowledge in web application development, without the need of any knowledge in embedded technologies. The IoT Firmware allows such developers to use UEXT modules manufactured by Olimex with ease.
SSL implementation is quite restricted due to small RAM amount. Successfully tested with 1024 bit keys. Unfortunately because of large number of supported modules there is not enough free RAM. If you want to enable SSL you should compile firmware with reduced modules support
For example:
make clean
You can use Sample HTML / JavaScript application to upload your SSL keys.
Firmware operates in two different modes:
- HTTP REST Service
- WebSockets
Support Events:
- to connected clients
- to IoT Server
ESP8266-EVB It can works as Access Point, WiFi Station or both at the same time.
Reset to defaults: hold button pressed for 5 seconds.
Default Access Point
Password : olimex-ap
Mode : WPA2 PSK
IP :
Optional Authentication - enabled by default
- Basic HTTP Authentication
- WebSockets - Authentication message
Default credentials
User : olimex
Password : olimex
Supported Devices
- Native
- Button
- Relay
- I2C
- MOD-TC-MK2-31855
- Fingerprint - work in progress
How to load firmware for the first time
You will need a seral connection established. This connection requires seral cable with level shifter. We will use esptool. Enter bootloader mode - hold the button pressed down and power the board, then release the button. Use the following command issued from root folder:
esptool/esptool.py --baud 576000 write_flash 0x00000 bin/boot_v1.5.bin 0x01000 bin/upgrade/user1.2048.new.3.bin 0x81000 bin/upgrade/user2.2048.new.3.bin 0x100000 bin/blank.bin 0x1FC000 bin/esp_init_data_default.bin 0x1FE000 bin/blank.bin --flash_size 16m
How to compile firmware
If you do not want to use precompiled binaries from bin/upgrade folder then you can compile firmware yourself using following commands sequence:
Compiling bin/upgrade/user1.2048.new.3.bin
make clean
make APP=1
Compiling bin/upgrade/user2.2048.new.3.bin
make clean
make APP=2
JavaScript code example
// Connect to ESP8266-EVB events entry point
var socket = new WebSocket('ws://');
socket.onopen = function () {
// Send authentication message
User: 'olimex',
Password: 'olimex'
// Send request for Devices and URL Entry Points
function () {
URL: '/',
Method: 'GET'
socket.onmessage = function (event) {
try {
// Print received messages in current document
document.write('<pre>'+JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(event.data), null, 4)+'</pre>');
} catch (e) {
// Print errors in console
socket.onerror = function (event) {
console.log("WebSocket ERROR");
socket.onclose = function (event) {
console.log(event.code+': '+(event.reason ? event.reason : 'WebSocket error'));
Two modes of operation
- HTTP REST Service (Long poll for events handling)
- WebSockets - RECOMMENDED
"Device" : "ESP8266",
"Status" : "OK",
"Error" : "Device not found",
"Data" : {
<device dependent>
EventURL : "/button",
EventsData : {
<Basic Response Message>
To get information about installed device drivers and URL for entry points you have to issue GET request to the root.
GET / HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic b2xpbWV4Om9saW1leA==
To read relay status using REST Service - execute following GET request
GET /relay HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic b2xpbWV4Om9saW1leA==
Sample Response:
"Device" : "ESP8266",
"Status" : "OK",
"Data" : {
"Relay" : 0
To set relay status via REST Service - execute following POST
POST /relay HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 11
Authorization: Basic b2xpbWV4Om9saW1leA==
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
Sample Response:
"Device" : "ESP8266",
"Status" : "OK",
"Data" : {
"Relay" : 1
Main WebSockets entry point URL is /events. On this entry point you will receive all events. If you want to receive only particular device events you can use its URL for example if you want to receive only MOD-TC-MK2 (temperature changes) events then you can connect to /mod-tc-mk2.
// Connect to ESP8266-EVB events entry point
var socket = new WebSocket('ws://');
Read relay status via WebSockets - send following message
URL: '/relay',
Method: 'GET'
Sample Response:
"Device" : "ESP8266",
"Status" : "OK",
"Data" : {
"Relay" : 0
Set relay status via WebSockets - send following message
URL: '/relay',
Method: 'POST',
Data: {
Relay: 1
Sample Response:
"Device" : "ESP8266",
"Status" : "OK",
"Data" : {
"Relay" : 1
URL : /config
Sample Response:
"Device" : "ESP8266",
"Status" : "OK",
"Data" : {
"Config" : {
"SDKVersion" : "1.5.1(e67da894)",
"ResetInfo" : "4:0:00000000",
"PHYMode" : "802.11g",
"AccessPointMAC" : "1A:FE:34:9C:61:DE",
"StationMAC" : "18:FE:34:9C:61:DE",
"User" : "olimex",
"Password" : "olimex",
"Mode" : "Access Point and Station",
"Authentication" : 1,
"SSL" : 0
Data fields description:
SDKVersion : <read-only>,
ResetInfo : <read-only>,
PHYMode : <read-only>,
AccessPointMAC : <read-only>,
StationMAC : <read-only>,
User : <user name>,
Password : <password>,
Mode : <Access Point | Station | Access Point and Station>,
WiFi operational mode.
Default - Access Point and Station
Recommended - Station
Authentication : 1,
Use or not authentication
SSL : 0
If set to 1 redirects to HTTPS if non SSL request is received
Sample POST Data:
"Config" : {
"User" : "john",
"Password" : "doe",
"Mode" : "Station",
"Authentication" : 1,
"SSL" : 0
URL : /config/access-point
Sample Response:
"Device" : "ESP8266",
"Status" : "OK",
"Data" : {
"AccessPoint" : {
"Password" : "olimex-ap",
"Mode" : "WPA2 PSK",
"Hidden" : 0,
"MaxConnections" : 2,
"BeaconInterval" : 100,
"DHCP" : 1,
"IP" : {
"Address" : "",
"NetMask" : "",
"Gateway" : ""
Data fields description:
SSID : <desired WiFi SSID>,
Password : <password>,
Mode : <Open | WEP | WPA PSK | WPA2 PSK | WPA WPA2 PSK>,
WiFi Encryption Mode
Default: WPA2 PSK
Hidden : 0,
Do not broadcast SSID
MaxConnections : 2,
Maximum allowed Access Point connections
Default: 2
Maximum: 4
BeaconInterval : 100,
DHCP : 1,
Enable DHCP Server
IP : {
Address : <Access Point IP address>,
NetMask : <Network Mask>,
Gateway : <Gateway>
URL : /config/station
Sample Response:
"Device" : "ESP8266",
"Status" : "OK",
"Data" : {
"Station" : {
"SSID" : "SampleWiFiNetwork",
"Password" : "HardToBreak",
"AutoConnect" : 1,
"DHCP" : 1,
"IP" : {
"Address" : "",
"NetMask" : "",
"Gateway" : ""
Data fields description:
SSID : <SSID of the network to connect>,
Password : <password>,
AutoConnect : 1,
Auto connect to the network
Default: 1
DHCP : 1,
Use DHCP to get IP address
Default: 1
IP : {
Address : <read-only if DHCP is 1>,
NetMask : <read-only if DHCP is 1>,
Gateway : <read-only if DHCP is 1>
URL : /config/iot
Sample Response:
"Device" : "ESP8266",
"Status" : "OK",
"Data" : {
"IoT" : {
"WebSocket" : 1,
"SSL" : 0,
"Server" : "iot.olimex.com",
"User" : "",
"Password" : "",
"Path" : "/",
"Name" : "Termometer",
"Token" : "123456789ABC"
Data fields description:
WebSocket : 1,
use WebSocket to connect to IoT Server
SSL : 0,
use secure connection - work in progress
Server : <host name or IP address>,
User : <user name>,
Password : <password>,
Credentials to authenticate to server.
If WebSocket is used they are send as first message.
Otherwise Basic HTTP Authentication headers are used.
Path : "/",
IoT Server Entry point
Name : "Termometer",
Human friendly device name
Token : "123456789ABC"
Device token
URL : /config/ssl
Sample Response:
"Device" : "ESP8266",
"Status" : "OK",
"Data" : {}
Upload SSL Private key and Certificate.
Sample POST data:
"SSL" : {
"PrivateKey" : "FILE-DATA:493",
"Certificate" : "FILE-DATA:449"
<0>PrivateKey:493:<493 bytes data>Certificate:449:<449 bytes data>
Sample WebSocket data (binary message)
"URL" : "/config/ssl",
"Method" : "POST",
"Data" : {
"SSL" : {
"PrivateKey" : "FILE-DATA:493",
"Certificate" : "FILE-DATA:449"
<0>PrivateKey:493:<493 bytes data>Certificate:449:<449 bytes data>
URL : /config/firmware
Sample Response:
"Device" : "ESP8266",
"Status" : "OK",
"Data" : {
"Firmware" : {
"Current" : "user2.bin",
"Boot" : "v2 normal 0x00FFFFFF"
If Current is user1.bin you MUST upload user2.bin and vice versa.
Sample POST data
"Firmware" : {
"boot.bin" : "FILE-DATA:0",
"user1.bin" : "FILE-DATA:278880",
"user2.bin" : "FILE-DATA:0",
<0>user1.bin:278880:<278880 bytes data>
Button - Long Poll, timeout 30 seconds
URL : /button
Sample Response:
{ "Device" : "ESP8266", "Status" : "OK", "Data" : { "Button" : "Short Press" } }
URL : /relay
JavaScript Example
// Read relay status socket.send( JSON.stringify( { URL: '/relay', Method: 'GET' } ) );
Sample Response:
{ "Device" : "ESP8266", "Status" : "OK", "Data" : { "Relay" : 0 } }
Sample POST data
{ "Relay" : 1 }
If [value] is 0 relay is switched off.
If [value] is 1 relay is switched on.
If [value] is greater than 1 relay is switched on for [value]ms and then switched off. During this interval all other commands are ignored.
JavaScript Example to switch relay on
socket.send( JSON.stringify( { URL: '/relay', Method: 'POST', Data: { Relay: 1 } } ) );
ADC - Voltage on CON3 pin 16 max 1V step 1/1024V.
URL : /adc
JavaScript examle to read ADC
socket.send( JSON.stringify( { URL: '/adc', Method: 'GET' } ) );
Sample Response:
{ "Device" : "ESP8266", "Status" : "OK", "Data" : { "ADC" : { "Value" : 197 , "Poll" : { "Refresh" : 10, "Each" : 3, "Threshold" : 5 } } } }
Data fields description:
Value : <read-only>, Min: 0 Max: 1024 Poll : { Refresh : <refresh interval>, check for change each <refresh interval> seconds Each : <n>, raise event on each <n> interval even if the change is smaller than <threshold> Threshold : <threshold> raise event if the change is greater than <threshold> }
Sample POST data:
{ "ADC" : { "Poll" : { "Refresh" : 15, "Each" : 4, "Threshold" : 10 } } }
For all I2C devices the last part of the URL is address of the device in HEX format. If address is not present then the default I2C address is used
URL : /mod-rgb /mod-rgb/<address> Default address: 0x20
Sample Response:
{ "Device" : "MOD-RGB", "Status" : "OK", "Data" : { "R" : 0, "G" : 0, "B" : 0 }, "I2C_Address" : "0x20" }
Data fields description
R : <red>, Min: 0 Max: 255 G : <green>, Min: 0 Max: 255 B : <blue> Min: 0 Max: 255
Sample POST data
{ "R" : 20, "G" : 0, "B" : 0 }
JavaScript example to light green on 10%
socket.send( JSON.stringify( { URL: "/mod-rgb", Method: "POST", Data: { R: 0, G: 25, B: 0 } } ) );
URL : /mod-tc-mk2 /mod-tc-mk2/<address> Default address: 0x23
// Read MOD-TC-MK2-31855 temperature sensor socket.send( JSON.stringify( { URL: "/mod-tc-mk2", Method: "GET" } ) );
Sample Response:
{ "Device" : "MOD-TC-MK2", "Status" : "OK", "Data" : { "Temperature" : 24.75 , "Poll" : { "Refresh" : 10, "Each" : 3, "Threshold" : 2 } }, "I2C_Address" : "0x23" }
Data fields description
Temperature : 24.75 temperature in degrees Celsius - step 0.25 degrees Poll : { Refresh : <refresh interval>, check for change each <refresh interval> seconds Each : <n>, raise event on each <n>-th interval even if the change is smaller than <threshold> Threshold : <threshold> 1 per each 0.25 degrees raise event if the change is greater than <threshold> }
Sample POST data
{ "Poll" : { "Refresh" : 30, "Each" : 2, "Threshold" : 2 } }
URL : /mod-io2 /mod-io2/<address> Default address: 0x21
Sample Response:
{ "Device" : "MOD-IO2", "Status" : "OK", "Data" : { "Relay1" : 0, "Relay2" : 0, "GPIO0" : 243, "GPIO1" : 95, "GPIO2" : 0, "GPIO3" : 0, "GPIO4" : 1, "GPIO5" : 0, "GPIO6" : 0 }, "I2C_Address" : "0x21" }
Data fields description
Relay1 : <relay state>, Relay2 : <relay state>, GPIO0 : <read-only>, ADC Input Min: 0 Max: 1024 GPIO1 : <read-only>, ADC Input Min: 0 Max: 1024 GPIO2 : <0 | 1>, Digital Output GPIO3 : <read-only>, Digital Input GPIO4 : <read-only>, Digital Input GPIO5 : 0, DAC Output Min: 0 Max: 255 GPIO6 : 0, DAC Output Min: 0 Max: 255
Sample POST data
{ "Relay1" : 0, "Relay2" : 0, "GPIO2" : 1, "GPIO5" : 0, "GPIO6" : 100 }
URL : /mod-irda /mod-irda/<address> Default address: 0x24
Sample Response:
{ "Device" : "MOD-IRDA", "Status" : "OK", "Data" : { "Mode" : "RC5", "Device" : 0, "Command" : 0 }, "I2C_Address" : "0x24" }
Data fields description
Mode : <RC5 | SIRC> Device : 0, Read MOD-IRDA Documentation or see Sample HTML Application Command : 0 Read MOD-IRDA Documentation or see Sample HTML Application
Sample POST data
{ "Mode" : "SIRC", "Device" : 0, "Command" : 16 }
URL : /mod-led-8x8-rgb
Panels have to be connected from left to right and up from bottom. Maximum number of panels - 48
Sample Response:
{ "Device" : "MOD-LED8x8RGB", "Status" : "OK", "Data" : { "cols" : 1, "rows" : 1, "Speed" : 85, "R" : 1, "G" : 1, "B" : 1, "Text" : "" } }
Data fields description
cols : <columns> rows : <rows> Speed : <speed> Min: 0 Max: 100 R : <red> G : <green> B : <blue> Text : <text> Maximum length - 255 chars
URL : /mod-rfid
Event is generated on every read tag
Sample Response:
{ "Device" : "MOD-RFID", "Status" : "OK", "Data" : { "Frequency" : 0, "Led" : 1, "Tag" : "" } }
Data fields description
Frequency : 0, scan frequency 0 - continuous 1-9 - times per second Led : 1, Enable / Disable LEDs Tag : <tag> last read tag
URL : /events
Long poll GET request or WebSockets (Recommended)
System status change
"Device" : "ESP8266",
"Status" : <status>,
Status values
Reconnect station
Restored defaults
Authorization success
Common Events Message Format
EventURL : <URL>,
EventsData : <Basic Response Message>
Sample Event Message
EventURL : "/button",
EventsData : {
"Device" : "ESP8266",
"Status" : "OK",
"Data" : {
"Button" : "Short Press"
Latest version is hosted at http://iot.olimex.com/direct/