
everything is working. Filebeat finds all running docker containers on the host and sends the stdout stream from the containers to logstash or elasticsearch (depending on needs)

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Filebeat finds all running docker containers on the host and sends the stdout stream from the containers to logstash or elasticsearch (depending on needs).

How run:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f filebeat.docker-compose.yml up --build

For Mac OS X Users

You may get an error for logstash:

Error invoking remote method 'docker-start-container': Error: (HTTP code 500) server error - Ports are not available: listen tcp bind: address already in use

resolve this problem - change 5000 port to 5001 or see this - Port 5000 is now used for Airplay as well as port 7000 in macOS Monterey

You can toggle that off by unchecking 'Airplay Receiver' in System Preferences > Sharing at the bottom of the list.

So yes, it's normal ! Apple realized that those ports were not used from an OS point of view, even if a lot of developers use those ports by default.

useful links for logstash

  1. TOP ! Практическое применение ELK. Настраиваем logstash и pipelines

  2. TOP ! Собираем, парсим и отдаём логи с помощью Logstash

  3. Советы и рекомендации по преобразованию неструктурированных данных из логов в ELK Stack используя GROK в LogStash

  4. A Practical Guide to Logstash: Parsing Common Log Patterns with Grok

  5. Подробное объяснение Logstash Grok

  6. Logstash parse json logs

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