
building blocks for a basic video service for ODL

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

ODL Video Service

Build status Test coverage

This is a video hosting platform, designed for MIT's Office of Digital Learning (ODL). It is tightly integrated with MIT's Touchstone authentication system and Moira permission system.


You will need to obtain several different pieces of information in order to get this project up and running. Secret and non-secret settings will be stored in environment variables. In order to make it easier to get started, you can copy .env.example to .env.


Create a secret key for Django, and store it in the .env file as SECRET_KEY. You can run this code to create a key:

head -c 50 /dev/urandom | base64


You'll need an AWS access key ID and secret access key. Store them in the file .env, like this:


You'll also need a CloudFront private key for generating signed URLs for CloudFront. Store the private key file in .env in one single string (careful with the newlines), like this:


Set the key ID as the CLOUDFRONT_KEY_ID environment variable, using the .env file.

You'll also need to set three S3 bucket for storing video files, and a CloudFront distribution that is hooked up to that S3 bucket. The files in the S3 bucket should not be publicly accessible, and the CloudFront distribution should be set up to serve private content. (See the CloudFront documentation for more information.) Set the S3 upload bucket name as the VIDEO_S3_BUCKET environment variable, the transcode bucket name as the VIDEO_S3_TRANSCODE_BUCKET environment variable, the thumbnail bucket name as the VIDEO_S3_THUMBNAIL_BUCKET environment variable, the subtitle bucket name as the VIDEO_S3_SUBTITLE_BUCKET environment variable, and set the CloudFront distribution ID as the VIDEO_CLOUDFRONT_DIST environment variable, using the .env file.

The Buckets should each have a CORS configuration that will allow for cross-origin requests, for example:

You also must have a proper Elastic Transcoder pipeline configured to use the specified 3 bucket names.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">
Each of the Cloudfront origins should be configured as follows:
  • Restrict Bucket Access
  • Origin Access Identity: Use an Existing Identity
  • Your Identities: select an existing CloudFront user (create if necessary)
You also need to create cloudfront behaviors for each bucket:
  • Allowed HTTP methods: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS
  • Whitelist Headers: Access-Control-Request-Headers,`Access-Control-Request-Method`, Origin
  • Restrict Viewer Access: No
    • Precedence: 0
    • Path pattern: transcoded/*
    • Precedence: 1
    • Path pattern: subtitles/*
    • Precedence 2:
    • Path pattern: thumbnails/*
    • Precedence 3:
    • Path pattern: Default(*)

You can also optionally create a public CloudFront distribution for serving static files for the web application. If you want to do this, set the CloudFront distribution ID as the STATIC_CLOUDFRONT_DIST environment variable, using the .env file.

This app expects the transcoding to use HLS or MP4, and the ET_HLS_PRESET_IDS and ET_MP4_PRESET_ID``environment variables, respectively. ``ET_HLS_PRESET_IDS should be a comma-delimited list of Video HLS presets for AWS ElasticTranscode. The defaults are standard presets (2M, 1M, 600K).


Create an app on Dropbox, and store the app key in the file .env, like this:


MIT Web Services

You'll need an X.509 certificate and private key to access MIT web services, including the Moira web API. Follow MIT's instructions for how to get an X.509 certificate. Store the certificate and the private key in the file .env in one line strings (careful with the newlines), like this:



Touchstone hasn't been configured yet, but here are some instructions for Touchstone integration.

YouTube Integration

  • Create a new project at https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/dashboard - Save the project ID in your .env file as YT_PROJECT_ID
  • Create an OAuth client ID for the project (type: Other) - Save your client ID and client secret in your .env file (as YT_CLIENT_ID and YT_CLIENT_SECRET)
  • Enable the YouTube Data API v3 for your project
  • Run the following Django command to generate values for YT_ACCESS_TOKEN and YT_REFRESH_TOKEN:
docker-compose run web python manage.py oauthtokens
  • Click on the provided link, follow the prompts, and enter the verification code back in the shell.
  • Save the YT_ACCESS_TOKEN and YT_REFRESH_TOKEN values to your .env file


To run the application, install Docker and Docker Compose, then run:

docker-compose up


To run the tests, install the development dependencies and then run the test suite, like this:



To ensure commits to github are safe, you should install the following first: .. code-block:: bash

pip install pre_commit detect-secrets pre-commit install

To automatically install precommit hooks when cloning a repo, you can run this: .. code-block:: bash

git config --global init.templateDir ~/.git-template pre-commit init-templatedir ~/.git-template