
A terminal written in javascript with a python backend

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

pyxterm: Pure python websocket terminal server for term.js

Uses term.js from https://github.com/chjj/term.js

Requires the tornado web server from http://www.tornadoweb.org

Note: To be consistent with term.js, this package should have been named either term.py or tty.py, but those names are already in use. Hence the name pyxterm.

Main files

  • pyxterm.py: Terminal server

  • pyxshell.py: Backend pseudo-tty shell manager

  • _static/pyxterm.js: Javascript wrappers for term.js

  • _static/index.html: Example terminal template


To try it out, run:

./pyxterm.py --auth_type=none --terminal

to start the server with no authentication and open a bash shell terminal.

The default URL to a create a new terminal is http://localhost:8700/new. To create a named terminal, open http://localhost:8700/terminal_name

Other authentication/shell options are

  • ./pyxterm.py --auth_type=ssh for SSH login to localhost (default)

  • sudo ./pyxterm.py --auth_type=login for standard Unix-style login

  • ./pyxterm.py --auth_type=google for Google authentication

  • ./pyxterm.py --auth_type=none /bin/shell_program to run a different "shell" program

  • ./pyxterm.py --auth_type=none ipython to run ipython as the "shell"

  • ./pyxterm.py --auth_type=none /usr/bin/env python /path/app.py to use a python script as the "shell"

For more help information, type

./pyxterm.py -h

Google authentication

To set up the pyxterm for Google authentication:

  • Go to the Google Dev Console at https://console.developers.google.com

  • Select a project, or create a new one.

  • In the sidebar on the left, select APIs & Auth.

  • In the sidebar on the left, select Consent Screen to customize the Product name etc.

  • In the sidebar on the left, select Credentials.

  • In the OAuth section of the page, select Create New Client ID.

  • Edit settings for the Authorized URIs, substituting localhost:8700 if need be

    Authorized Javascript origins: http://localhost:8700

    Authorized Redirect URI: http://localhost:8700/_gauth

  • Copy the web application "Client ID key" and "Client secret" to the settings file (see below)

Start the server with the command:

./pyxterm.py --auth_type=google

and use the URLs http://localhost:8700/_gauth/_info and http://localhost:8700/_gauth/_test to display setup information and test Google authentication.

Settings file

Settings may be provided in JSON format in the file .pyxterm.json in the home directory. If present, it contains information of the form:

{"google_oauth": {"key": "0123456789-code.apps.googleusercontent.com",
                  "secret": "ABCDEFABCDEF"},
 "auth_emails": ["user1@gmail.com", "user2@gmail.com"] }

auth_emails is the list of gmail accounts authorized to access the server. An empty list implies all accounts are authorized.

History and goals

The goal is to provide a simple Python terminal server for term.js using websockets, akin to tty.js.

pyxterm contains code simplified and factored out of more complex GraphTerm code (https://github.com/mitotic/graphterm), which itself used some old code from AjaxTerm

Licenses: MIT, BSD

Version: 0.10 (alpha)