
Backend server for the Rapido app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status


The backend API server for the Rapido app


You'll need a postgresql database. You can find a dockerized version at https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres/.

Edit rapido.json and rapido-test.json to configure the database connection and server port parameters.


use npm start to bring the server up.

You will need to run 'npm init' the first time in order to initialize the database tables.


use npm test to start the Jasmine tests. Tests require a running postgresql database. The test scripts create a database called rapido-test. We use Istanbul to check for code coverage and contributions MUST have a coverage rate of 100%. If you have code that is impossible to test you can add a statement to exclude it from testing


POST /register - register a new user

POST /login - login with credentials

GET /projects - retrieve sketch projects for this user

GET /projects/{id} - retrieve a specific project