
[FROZEN] Better Go syntax highlighting for Sublime Text. Merged into https://github.com/sublimehq/Packages

Primary LanguageGo


Syntax for the Go programming language for the Sublime Text editor. Recently merged into Sublime's default packages, replacing the older Go syntax: sublimehq/Packages#1662. This repo is now frozen.

Differences from the older Go syntax:

  • Contextual types. Types are scoped where types are expected. There's no whitelist of "known" types.

  • Better understands the language and its syntax. Better at handling whitespace and comments inside complex forms. Better at handling other nuances. Unlikely to be confused by unusual code style.

  • Vars and consts in the root scope are added to the symbol index and searchable by ⌘R, ⌘⇪R, and goto_definition.

  • Supports parenthesized type (...) groups, not just const (...) and var (...).

  • The first argument to new and make is scoped as a type.

  • Methods declared inside an interface are added to the symbol index, reflecting the fact that they're actually accessible as methods on the interface type.

  • Supports embedded structs.

  • Supports inherited interfaces.

  • Supports imaginary number literals.

  • Variable declarations are scoped differently from other variable occurrences.

  • iota is scoped only in constant initialization expressions.

  • Symbols in ⌘R are annotated with their origin: var, const, type or func.

  • Auto-pairing of backticks.

  • Much more comprehensive tests.

  • All keywords and predeclared identifiers are added to auto-completions by default.

  • Fewer and better snippets that don't mess with the typing flow or regular auto-completions.

  • Slightly better indentation rules, optimized for typing.

  • Type keywords (type, interface, etc.) are scoped differently from type names.

Current shortcomings (?):

  • Fewer meta scopes: needs feedback.

  • No support for block labels: needs feedback.

Screenshot before-after:

screen shot 2018-07-28 at 10 54 50

Screenshot of symbol index before-after:

screen shot 2018-07-28 at 10 54 55

(Many other differences didn't fit into the screenshots. This uses my Cloud color scheme, available at https://github.com/mitranim/sublime-themes.)

Installation and Usage

cd into Sublime Text's Packages directory. On MacOS, this is usually "/Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages". Find it using Sublime's menu → Preferences → Browse Packages.

Once there, clone the repo:

cd <package dir>
git clone https://github.com/mitranim/sublime-gox.git Go

Note: the syntax is called Go, exactly the same as the default. Disable the default Go package to avoid conflicts: ⌘⇪P → Package Control: Disable Package, or Preferences: Settings"ignored_packages": ["Go"].



This syntax differentiates variable declarations from normal variable occurrences. Declarations receive these non-standard scopes:

  • variable.declaration.go
  • variable.other.constant.declaration

To make full use of this feature, extend your color scheme, adding support for these scopes. Alternatively, check out my custom color schemes. Feel free to use them as-is, or as reference for implementing your own: https://github.com/mitranim/sublime-themes.

This syntax also distinguishes type-related keywords, such as type or interface{}, from type names. Type keywords receive storage.type.keyword.X.go, while type names receive storage.type.go. This potentially allows a color scheme to highlight keywords as keywords.


  • type switch

  • support for text/template and html/template templates?

  • detect data structure literals

    • detect type names preceding a data literal
    • a data literal is recursive: {} without a type name is another literal
    • detect field names
  • outside of data structure literals, detect block labels


License: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTFPL

Since it's been merged into the built-in ST packages, this repo is now frozen. Contributions should be directed to https://github.com/sublimehq/Packages.

You can reach me via https://mitranim.com/#contacts.