
Welcome to my fullstack brewrecipes API!

On the frontend, I've got the trifecta of React, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS. I used React for building interactive user interfaces, TypeScript for adding some extra type safety, and TailwindCSS for making the app look pretty.

On the backend, I've got a powerful combination of Express.js, Node.js, and MongoDB. I used Express.js for building the API, Node.js for running JavaScript on the server side and MongoDB as my database.

This application serves as a demo to a powerful backend API that you can use to build your own awesome projects! With the help of MongoDB, I have a flexible, powerful and scalable database solution.

I've also added some extra goodies like JWT authentication, so you can secure your endpoints and keep your data safe.

So come along for the ride and see what you can build with my MERN stack!

P.S: Don't forget to run npm install before you start the fun.